[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: imp compose.php message.php imp/lib/Identity imp.php

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Fri Jul 25 09:02:18 PDT 2003

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu>:

> This sounds like a problem in interpretation then.  When I saw 'Your alias
> addresses', I immediately took that to mean "All e-mail addresses that will
> cause the message to be delievered to the base mailbox".  For example, my

I agree with this.

> It seems like you are using aliases to mean "all e-mail addresses that
> _originate_ from this e-mail address should be handled by this identity".
> This doesn't intuitively sound like aliases to me at all (although, now

No, it is rather an affinity, association, or filter, but not an alias.

> that I know what it is you want to do, it sounds really really nifty :) ).

Could be useful, but the actual alias handling is perhaps more useful.

> For example, if I wanted to reply to mail from the imp list with a
> different identity (say slusarz at foo.com), I would never think to put
> 'imp at lists.horde.org' in the *alias* line since imp at lists.horde.org is not
> an *alias* of mine.  Rather, imp at lists.horde.org is an address where I
> would like to explicitly use a specific Identity, so it should be labeled
> as such.

Agreed.  Alias is not the correct name for this.

That doesn't mean the substring idea is without merit. Or actually maybe
a wildcard would be better.  So you could use something like:


to match on all your different email addresses.  But that is another matter

> IMHO, there should be a separate line that says something like "Handle mail
> from these addresses with this identity" instead.  To me, this makes more
> sense than "alias".

Yes, an affinity kind of thing.

> Before I go any further, does this sounds right?

Sounds more reaonable to me than alias.  Using alias for affinity is
going to cause a lot of confusion with users and translators.

> michael

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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