[dev] iconv and mbstring

Mike Cochrane mike at graftonhall.co.nz
Fri Jul 25 20:08:17 PDT 2003

Just been doing a bit of profiling of folders.php.

Noticed that iconv never actually achieves anything here. If fails on all 292 
calls in String::convertCharset() when I load folders.php.

Unloading the iconv extension results in an 11% reduction in cpu time to
generate the page.

What is the reason for favouring iconv over mbstring? Iconv fails with this
error message:
[26-Jul-2003 15:06:42] PHP Notice:  iconv(): Wrong charset, cannot convert from
`UTF7-IMAP' to `ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT' in i:\httpd\clean\horde\lib\String.php on
line 92

Is this something specific to me, windows or just bad luck?

- Mike :-)

Mike Cochrane
mike at graftonhall.co.nz
021 262 1256

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