[dev] hermes

Joseph P Turner joeman at leederville.net
Wed Jul 30 23:25:05 PDT 2003

Didn't get much of a response when I posted that patch last time.

I've been asked by client to do some mods to hermes. They have said they are
more then happy for it to go back into opensource (if of course) the wider
community wish would like it.

Decided, best if I post some of my dicussions - get some feedback, so that I'm
more likely to churn out something that would benifet others.




Sticking to naming conventions currently used in Horde.

Modified Tables
Hermes_jobtypes -> hermes_tasks
task_id   NUMBER
task_name VARCHAR2(50)
task_description VARCHAR2(500)
project_id  NUMBER                    (primary key is columen project_id
hermes_projects, defined below)

New Tables

project_id   NUMBER
project_name VARCHAR2(50)
project_description  varchar2(500)
module_id  NUMBER                      (primary key is column module_id

subtask_id  NUMBER
subtask_name VARCHAR2(50)
subtask_description VARCHAR2(500)
task_id                                (primary key is column task_id in

New Sequences
hermes_project_seq   (for project_id)

The aim here is to make one able to determine tasks/subtasks given a project and
then task

How does this look?

I've added some extra columns to hermes_subtasks which one should be able to
'fill in' in an
admin webpage. I've added a delivery_date for both hermes_projects and
hermes_tasks because
I assume it would be nice to track subtasks within tasks to give a better idea
of where
one is at.

Based on summation of hours of subtasks in a particular task, should be able to
figure out
where 50%? one is at in a task. By comparing to delivery date of the project and
so on,
one should be able to get an 'indication' of the progess of the project.

Let us know what you reckon, what other columns do you think you'd like to see
in it?


Linux Madman

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