[dev] HEAD: problems with "view external web page" applet

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Aug 1 10:08:07 PDT 2003

Quoting Joe Wilson <joe.wilson at mindcandy.org>:

> I had this same problem in development of the code.  My research seems to
> indicate that it is not possible to use a percentage in the height attribute
> of an iFrame, but only an absolute pixel value.  I suppose one possibility is
> to read the height of the containing Block and set it explicitly, but it is
> probably easier to simply leave the height out as it seems to default to
> 100%.

Are both of you using IE? In Mozilla, it did *not* default to 100%, but putting
it in worked perfectly.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
They're just looking at a wall of meat.

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