[dev] Patch: Add option 'list directories first' in gollem

Martin Ebourne lists at ebourne.me.uk
Tue Aug 12 04:04:17 PDT 2003


I've added an option to gollem: 'List directories first'

This means directories will always be listed at the top (still in the
selected sort order though), and makes it much easier to navigate around
(though doesn't make much difference to sort by type!).

Links to directories would appear to be treated either as or not as a
directory based on the backend. Doesn't look like much can be done about
that though.

Anyhow, I've been coding for a very long time but I'm completely new to PHP,
(and fairly new to horde), so please let me know if there's anything
wrong/could be better.

Patch to HEAD enclosed.


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