[dev] Google search applet

Joe Wilson joe.wilson at mindcandy.org
Wed Aug 13 20:01:30 PDT 2003

I looked over Horde_Search_google and I have several concerns.

First, this uses the Google API, which is limited to searching web pages only. 
The current version allows for searching the image, groups, directory and news
categories as well.

Second, it seems like a lot of unnecessary work to recreate the functionality
that Google has already created (retreiving the metadata, links to cached
pages, creating a paging mechanism for long search results, etc).

One alternative is that I can encapsulate much of the functionality in
open_google_win.js in Horde_Search_google, but this seems an inappropriate use
of the class.  However, since google.php is the only instance of the class at
this point, I could certainly see extending the class to include these
functions as well.


Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Joe Wilson <joe.wilson at mindcandy.org>:
> > Attached is a patch that adds a Google search applet for the Horde block
> > summary page.  There are two new files needed: horde/lib/Block/google.php
> and
> > horde/templates/javascript/open_google_win.js.  Also, a minor patch to
> > horde/config/registry.php.dist to add the google entry.
> open_google_win.js seems to be missing, and google.php references a graphic
> that
> doesn't exist.
> Also, it'd be nice to use Horde_Search_google for this.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
> They're just looking at a wall of meat.
> --
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  *#   Joe Wilson             (917) 690-0507 (c)
   *#   884 Palmer Ave.        (914) 777-3250 (h)
    *#   Mamaroneck, NY 10543
      *#    He to whom [the mysterious] is a stranger,
       *#    who can no longer pause to wonder and stand
        *#    rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.
         *#                           - Albert Einstein

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