[dev] Turba LDAP Patch - allowing LDAP users to be added to a users' personal address book

jonathan soong jon.soong at imvs.sa.gov.au
Mon Aug 18 00:59:03 PDT 2003


Patch to allow LDAP users to be added to a Personal Address Book (sql, 
but should work for ldap address
books too).

I have fixed it now so that Advanced Search results can also be added to 
the Personal Address Book.

I have done this for Turba 1.2 STABLE.

I did this by moving the TURBA_ADD functionality into a separate include 
file "lib/adduser.inc" (so that normal
Search/Browse/Advanced Search can all use the functionality). This makes 
sense to me.

The patch is attached. (It should be applied to Turba 1.2 STABLE).



   I have changed the turba_member field in turba_objects.
   Rather than just having a serialized array of object_id's, i.e.:

        This is really just: array(XXX,YYY) 
  I now have serialized array of arrays, with each inner array 
containing the source where the entry is from, i.e:

        This is: array( array(localsql, XXX), array(localldap,YYY)

   I have altered:
     And added:

Below are some notes, and things that NEED to be changed to make it work.

In config/sources.php, you will need to add the following line to the 
bottom of the file, where 'localsql' is the name  of your
sql source.. (i.e. $cfgSources['localsql'] )

define('PERSONAL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SOURCE', 'localsql');

Also, make sure that  $cfgSources['localsql'] array has something that 
looks like:

       'map' => array(
          '__key' => 'object_id',
          '__owner' => 'owner_id',
          '__type' => 'object_type',
          '__members' => 'object_members',

  In lib/api.php, i don't check for 'turba_lists' as was in 1.2 STABLE, 
i couldn't work out why this was needed, so i just
 assume it is a turba_list.

-------------- next part --------------
diff -burN --exclude='*.dist' --exclude=config --exclude='*.back' --exclude='*.modified' --exclude='*.sql' /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/advanced.php ./advanced.php
--- /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/advanced.php	Mon Feb 10 12:00:31 2003
+++ ./advanced.php	Mon Aug 18 17:09:36 2003
@@ -16,6 +16,20 @@
 require_once TURBA_BASE . '/lib/Source.php';
 require TURBA_BASE . '/config/attributes.php';
+/* iijsoo
+ *       The next bit of code alows for the addition of search results to 
+ *       Personal Address Books
+ */
+$actionID = Horde::getFormData('actionID');
+if (isset($actionID)) {
+  switch ($actionID) {
+    case TURBA_ADD:
+       require TURBA_BASE . '/lib/adduser.inc';
+        break;
+    }
 $title = _("Advanced Search");
 $js_onLoad = null;
 require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/common-header.inc';
@@ -108,19 +122,50 @@
 $addresses = Horde::getFormData('addresses');
 if (is_object($_SESSION['turba_search_results']) &&
     $_SESSION['turba_search_results']->count() > 0) {
-    include TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/advanced/results_head.inc';
+//    include TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/advanced/results_head.inc';
+/* iisjsoo: 
+ *         need to create an addToList variable that 
+ *         will hold all the address books that can be 
+ *         added to - similar to code found in browse.php 
+ *         - this could/should probably be made into a function
+ */
+       $tmp_driver = &Turba_Source::singleton(PERSONAL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SOURCE, $cfgSources[PERSONAL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SOURCE]);
+       $listList = $tmp_driver->search(array('__type' => 'Group'), null, null, 0);
+       $listList->reset();
+       while ($listObject = $listList->next()) {
+         $addToList[] = array('name' => $listObject->getValue('name'), 'key' => PERSONAL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SOURCE."|".$listObject->getValue('__key'));
+        }
 $numDisplayed = 0;
 if (is_object($_SESSION['turba_search_results']) &&
     $_SESSION['turba_search_results']->count() > 0) {
+/* iisjsoo: 
+ *         This next bit of code has been hacked together, following
+ *         the design of the browse.php pages. It allows for users to 
+ *         add Advanced Search results to personal address books. 
+ */
+  include TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/javascript.inc';
+  include TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/header.inc';
+  $listType = 'search';
+  include TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/actions.inc';
+  include TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/column_headers.inc';
     include_once TURBA_BASE . '/lib/ListView.php';
-    $display = new Turba_ListView($_SESSION['turba_search_results'], TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/search/row.inc');
+   $display = &new Turba_ListView($_SESSION['turba_search_results'], TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/contactrow.inc');
+//    $display = new Turba_ListView($_SESSION['turba_search_results'], TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/search/row.inc');
     $numDisplayed = $display->display();
     $_SESSION['turba_search_results'] = $_SESSION['turba_search_results']->serialize();
+    include TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/column_footers.inc';
+    require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/footer.inc';
-require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/advanced/foot.inc';
+//require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/advanced/foot.inc';
 if (!$browser->hasFeature('wml')) {
diff -burN --exclude='*.dist' --exclude=config --exclude='*.back' --exclude='*.modified' --exclude='*.sql' /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/browse.php ./browse.php
--- /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/browse.php	Wed Mar  5 02:33:34 2003
+++ ./browse.php	Mon Aug 18 16:56:50 2003
@@ -69,13 +69,20 @@
         /* Remove a contact from a list. */
         $keys = Horde::getFormData('objectkeys');
         if (is_array($keys)) {
             $key = Horde::getFormData('key', false);
             if ($key && $key != "**search") {
                 /* We are removing a contact from a list. */
                 $list = $driver->getObject($key);
                 foreach ($keys as $objectKey) {
-                    if (!$list->removeMember($driver->getObject($objectKey))) {
+/* iisjsoo
+ *
+ *  This was changed so that it takes into account the source of the
+ *  entry
+ *
+ */
+        	    list($objectKeySource, $objectKey)  = Turba::splitSourceAndKey($objectKey);
+                    $driver = &Turba_Source::singleton($objectKeySource, $cfgSources[$objectKeySource]);
+                    if (!$list->removeMemberSource($driver->getObject($objectKey))) {
                         Horde::raiseMessage(_("There was an error removing this object."), HORDE_ERROR);
                     } else {
                         Horde::raiseMessage(_("Contact removed from list."), HORDE_SUCCESS);
@@ -84,6 +91,13 @@
             } else {
                 /* We are deleting an object. */
                 foreach ($keys as $objectKey) {
+/* iisjsoo
+ *
+ *  This was changed so that it takes into account the source of the
+ *  entry
+ *
+ */
+        	    list($objectKeySource, $objectKey)  = Turba::splitSourceAndKey($objectKey);
                     if (!$driver->removeObject($objectKey)) {
                         Horde::raiseMessage(_("There was an error deleting this object."), HORDE_ERROR);
@@ -102,47 +116,13 @@
+/* iisjsoo: 
+ *         i moved the TURBA_ADD functionality to a separate include file - this was
+ *         so Advanced Search could also add users.
+ *         
     case TURBA_ADD:
-        /* Add a contact to a list */
-        $keys = Horde::getFormData('objectkeys');
-        $targetKey = Horde::getFormData('targetList');
-        if (empty($targetKey)) {
-            break;
-        }
-        if (!Horde::getFormData('targetNew')) {
-            $target = $driver->getObject($targetKey);
-        }
-        if (!empty($target) && is_object($target) && $target->isGroup()) {
-            /* Adding contact to an existing list */
-            if (is_array($keys)) {
-                foreach ($keys as $objectKey) {
-                    $target->addMember($driver->getObject($objectKey));
-                }
-                $target->store();
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* Adding conect to a new list */
-            $newList = array();
-            $newList['__owner'] = Auth::getAuth();
-            $newList['__type'] = 'Group';
-            $newList['name'] = $targetKey;
-            $targetKey = $driver->addObject($newList);
-            $target = $driver->getObject($targetKey);
-            if (!empty($target) && is_object($target) && $target->isGroup()) {
-                if (is_array($keys)) {
-                    foreach ($keys as $objectKey) {
-                        $target->addMember($driver->getObject($objectKey));
-                    }
-                    $target->store();
-                }
-            } else {
-                Horde::raiseMessage(_("There was an error creating a new list."), HORDE_ERROR);
-            }
-        }
+        require TURBA_BASE . '/lib/adduser.inc'; 
@@ -165,13 +145,20 @@
                    !isset($columns[$prefs->getValue('sortby') - 1])) ?
         'lastname' : $columns[$prefs->getValue('sortby') - 1];
-    /* Create list of lists for Add to. */
+/* Create list of lists for Add to. */
+/* iisjsoo: 
+ *         this next block is new - it is used so that addresses can be added
+ *         to any address books. (e.g. ldap addresses can be added to sql books)
     $addToList = array();
-    if (!empty($cfgSources[$source]['map']['__type'])) {
-        $listList = $driver->search(array('__type' => 'Group'), null, null, 0);
+   foreach ($sources as $src=>$val) {
+     if (!empty($cfgSources[$src]['map']['__type'])) {
+       $tmp_driver = &Turba_Source::singleton($source, $cfgSources[$src]);
+       $listList = $tmp_driver->search(array('__type' => 'Group'), null, null, 0);
         while ($listObject = $listList->next()) {
-            $addToList[] = array('name' => $listObject->getValue('name'), 'key' => $listObject->getValue('__key'));
+         $addToList[] = array('name' => $listObject->getValue('name'), 'key' => $src."|".$listObject->getValue('__key'));
+        }
@@ -198,29 +185,44 @@
     } else if (Horde::getFormData('key')) {
         /* We are displaying the contents of a list */
+            $templates[] = '/browse/header.inc';
+        /*  iisjsoo:
+         *      First we will grab an array using the listMembersArray() function to
+         *      give us all users in this list as well as the source they come from.
+         *
+         *      Then we will go thru the list and extract the users from their sources
+         *      into a Turba_List which will be passed on.
+         *
+         *      Note: there could be a performance enhancement here - make only one driver
+         *            for each source
+         */
+            require_once TURBA_BASE . '/lib/List.php';
+            $results = &new Turba_List();
+            $listType = 'list';
+            $driver = &Turba_Source::singleton(PERSONAL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SOURCE, $cfgSources[PERSONAL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SOURCE]);
         $list = $driver->getObject(Horde::getFormData('key'));
-        if (isset($list) && is_object($list) && $list->isGroup()) {
-            $title = sprintf(_("Addresses in list: %s"), $list->getValue('name'));
-            include TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/header.inc';
-            /* Show List Members */
-            if (!is_object($results = $list->listMembers($sortcolumn, $prefs->getValue('sortdir')))) {
-                Horde::raiseMessage(_("Failed to browse list"), HORDE_ERROR);
-                include TURBA_BASE . '/status.php';
-            } else {
-                $listType = "list";
+            $results_array = $list->listMembersArray();
+            if (count($results_array) != 0) {
+                foreach ($results_array as $tmp=>$listMember) {
+        /*  iisjsoo:
+         *     The $results_array contains entries of the form: 
+         *                 'localsql'|'38183e5d7ace6910e33eb925f29181c6'
+         *                'localldap'|'uid=asddf,dn=adsf,dn=com'
+         */
+                  $driver = &Turba_Source::singleton($listMember[0], $cfgSources[$listMember[0]]);
+                  $tmp2= $driver->getObject($listMember[1]);
+                  $results->insert($tmp2);
+                }
+            }
                 include TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/actions.inc';
                 include TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/column_headers.inc';
                 require_once TURBA_BASE . '/lib/ListView.php';
                 $display = &new Turba_ListView($results, TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/contactrow.inc');
                 $numDisplayed = $display->display();
                 include TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/column_footers.inc';
-            }
-        } else {
-            Horde::raiseMessage(_("There was an error displaying the select List"), HORDE_ERROR);
-            include TURBA_BASE . '/status.php';
-        }
     } else {
         /* We are displaying the contents of the address book */
         $title = sprintf(_("Contents of %s"), $cfgSources[$source]['title']);
diff -burN --exclude='*.dist' --exclude=config --exclude='*.back' --exclude='*.modified' --exclude='*.sql' /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/lib/AbstractObject.php ./lib/AbstractObject.php
--- /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/lib/AbstractObject.php	Sat Nov  2 03:42:00 2002
+++ ./lib/AbstractObject.php	Thu Aug 14 16:35:05 2003
@@ -52,6 +52,14 @@
         return $this->source->name;
+    /* iisjsoo 
+     * return the type of source this is (e.g. ldap, sql)
+     */
+    function getSourceType()
+    {
+        return $this->source->driver->type;
+    }
      * Returns the value of the specified attribute.
diff -burN --exclude='*.dist' --exclude=config --exclude='*.back' --exclude='*.modified' --exclude='*.sql' /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/lib/Group.php ./lib/Group.php
--- /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/lib/Group.php	Sat Sep 14 07:13:05 2002
+++ ./lib/Group.php	Fri Aug 15 16:17:39 2003
@@ -60,6 +60,36 @@
+    /**
+     * iisjsoo: 
+     *         new function (wouldn't some OO overloading be good here?)
+     *         Adds a new contact entry to this group, also takes in the name of the group
+     *         to add it to.
+     *
+     * @param Turba_AbstractObject $object   The object to add to the Group
+     *
+     * @since Turba 1.2
+     */
+    function addMemberSource($object, $source)
+    {
+        if ($source == "") {
+          return addMemberSource($object);
+        }
+         // Can't add itself.
+         if ($object->getValue('__key') != $this->attributes['__key']) {
+            $members = @unserialize($this->attributes['__members']);
+            if (!is_array($members)) {
+                $members = array();
+            }
+            $member_entry[] = $object->getSource();
+            $member_entry[] = $object->getValue('__key');
+            $members[] = $member_entry;
+            $this->attributes['__members'] = serialize($members);
+         }
+    }
      * Deletes a contact entry from this group.
@@ -81,6 +111,65 @@
         return true;
+    /**
+     * iisjsoo: Deletes a contact entry from this group
+     *          Passed the $key and $source
+     *          e.g.for ldap:
+     *                $key: 'uid=iisjsoo,dn=XX,dn=YY'
+     *             $source: 'myldap'
+     *
+     *          e.g.for sql:
+     *                $key: '765ef989dc9a9d9c5' 
+     *             $source: 'localsql'
+     *               
+     * @param Turba_AbstractObject $object   The object to remove from the Group
+     *
+     * @since Turba 1.2
+     */
+    function removeMemberSource($object)
+    {
+        $members = unserialize($this->attributes['__members']);
+        $key = $object->getValue('__key');
+	$source = $object->getSource();
+	$memberToRemove = array($source,$key);
+        if(($i = array_search($memberToRemove, $members)) !== false) {
+//		 print "found and deleting<br>";
+            unset($members[$i]);
+        } else {
+	  print "could not find the member<br>";
+	}
+        $this->attributes['__members'] = serialize($members);
+        $this->store();
+        return true;
+    }
+   /** iisjsoo
+     *  Function to return a Turba_List of arrays containing the Source of
+     *  an entry and the entry's Key (object_id for sql, dn for ldap)
+     *   e.g.
+     *   list => (array('localsql', '73ebb2f4623ec959e5c6b12608750f57'),
+     *            array('localldap', 'uid=itpdfdr,ou=Users,dc=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=com,dc=au'))
+     */
+    function listMembersArray()
+    {
+        $children = unserialize($this->attributes['__members']);
+        if (!is_array($children)) {
+            $children = array();
+        }
+        reset($children);
+	$list = array();
+        foreach ($children as $member) {
+          $list[] =  $member;
+        }
+        return $list; //we can't sort this yet, lets work it out later
+      }
      * Retrieve the Objects in this group
diff -burN --exclude='*.dist' --exclude=config --exclude='*.back' --exclude='*.modified' --exclude='*.sql' /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/lib/Turba.php ./lib/Turba.php
--- /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/lib/Turba.php	Mon Feb 10 21:16:30 2003
+++ ./lib/Turba.php	Mon Aug 18 15:48:50 2003
@@ -17,6 +17,32 @@
 class Turba {
+/* iisjsoo
+ * 
+ *      Function written to take an $objectKey of form: 
+ *
+ *                'localsql'|'38183e5d7ace6910e33eb925f29181c6'
+ *                'localldap'|'uid=asddf,dn=adsf,dn=com'
+ *
+ *      and it returns an array of the two parts:
+ *
+ *            Array([0]=>'localsql', [1]=>'38183e5d7ace6910e33eb925f29181c6')
+ *            Array([0]=>'localldap', [1]=>'uid=asddf,dn=adsf,dn=com')
+ * 
+ *      You should probably call it like:
+ *          list($objectKeySource, $objectKey)  = splitSourceAndKey($objectKey);
+ */       
+function splitSourceAndKey($objectKey) {
+ if (preg_match("/\|/", $objectKey)) {
+   $objectKeyArr = preg_split('/\|/', $objectKey);
+   $objectKeySource = $objectKeyArr[0];
+   $objectKeyKey = $objectKeyArr[1];
+   return array($objectKeySource, $objectKeyKey);
+ } else {
+   return -1;
+ }
     function getBareEmail($address)
         require_once 'Mail/RFC822.php';
@@ -173,3 +199,4 @@
diff -burN --exclude='*.dist' --exclude=config --exclude='*.back' --exclude='*.modified' --exclude='*.sql' /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/lib/adduser.inc ./lib/adduser.inc
--- /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/lib/adduser.inc	Thu Jan  1 09:30:00 1970
+++ ./lib/adduser.inc	Mon Aug 18 16:31:50 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+        /* Add a contact to a list */
+        $keys = Horde::getFormData('objectkeys');
+        $targetKey = Horde::getFormData('targetList');
+        if (empty($targetKey)) {
+            break;
+        }
+/* iisjsoo
+ *
+ * I need to first get a driver for the PERSONAL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SOURCE and then get 
+ * the object
+ *
+ */
+        list($targetKeySource, $newTargetKey)  = Turba::splitSourceAndKey($targetKey);
+        if (!Horde::getFormData('targetNew')) {
+          $driver = &Turba_Source::singleton(PERSONAL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SOURCE, $cfgSources[PERSONAL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SOURCE]);
+          $target = $driver->getObject($newTargetKey);
+        }
+        if (!empty($target) && is_object($target) && $target->isGroup()) {
+            /* Adding contact to an existing list */
+            if (is_array($keys)) {
+                foreach ($keys as $objectKey) {
+/* iisjsoo
+ *
+ *  This was changed so that it takes into account the source of the
+ *  entry
+ *
+ */
+		    list($objectKeySource, $objectKey)  = Turba::splitSourceAndKey($objectKey);
+                    $driver = &Turba_Source::singleton($objectKeySource, $cfgSources[$objectKeySource]);
+                    $target->addMemberSource($driver->getObject($objectKey),$objectKeySource);
+                }
+                $target->store();
+            }
+        } else {
+            /* Adding conect to a new list */
+            $newList = array();
+            $newList['__owner'] = Auth::getAuth();
+            $newList['__type'] = 'Group';
+            $newList['name'] = $targetKey;
+            // added the next line when moved to adduser.inc
+            $driver = &Turba_Source::singleton(PERSONAL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SOURCE, $cfgSources[PERSONAL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SOURCE]);
+            $targetKey = $driver->addObject($newList);
+            $target = $driver->getObject($targetKey);
+            if (!empty($target) && is_object($target) && $target->isGroup()) {
+                if (is_array($keys)) {
+                    foreach ($keys as $objectKey) {
+/* iisjsoo
+ *
+ *  This was changed so that it takes into account the source of the
+ *  entry
+ *
+ */
+		      list($objectKeySource, $objectKey)  = Turba::splitSourceAndKey($objectKey);
+                      $driver = &Turba_Source::singleton($objectKeySource, $cfgSources[$objectKeySource]);
+                      $target->addMemberSource($driver->getObject($objectKey),$objectKeySource);
+                    }
+                    $target->store();
+                }
+            } else {
+                Horde::raiseMessage(_("There was an error creating a new list."), HORDE_ERROR);
+            }
+        }
diff -burN --exclude='*.dist' --exclude=config --exclude='*.back' --exclude='*.modified' --exclude='*.sql' /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/lib/api.php ./lib/api.php
--- /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/lib/api.php	Mon Feb 10 12:06:55 2003
+++ ./lib/api.php	Fri Aug 15 16:31:46 2003
@@ -115,34 +115,27 @@
                             /* Is a Distribution List */
                             $listatt = $ob->getAttributes();
                             $seeninlist = array();
-                            $members = $ob->listMembers();
-                            if (get_class($members) == 'turba_list') {
-                                if ($members->count() == 1) {
-                                    $ob = $members->next();
-                                    $att = $ob->getAttributes();
-                                    $email = '';
-                                    foreach ($att as $key => $value) {
-                                        if (!empty($value) && isset($attributes[$key]) &&
-                                            $attributes[$key]['type'] == 'email') {
-                                            $email = $value;
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                    $results[$name][] = array('name' => $listatt['name'] . ' - ' . $att['name'], 'email' => $email);
-                                } else {
+                            $members = $ob->listMembersArray();
+/*  iisjsoo 
+ *
+ *      i'm not sure how to get around this..
+ *      members is no longer a 'turba_list', but an array of arrays... 
+ *      maybe this should just check the return value of $ob->listMembersArray()
+ */
+                            if (get_class($members) == 'turba_list' || 1==1) {
                                     $email = '';
-                                    while ($ob = $members->next()) {
-                                        $att = $ob->getAttributes();
-                                        foreach ($att as $key => $value) {
-                                            if (!empty($value) && isset($attributes[$key]) &&
-                                                $attributes[$key]['type'] == 'email' &&
-                                                empty($seeninlist[trim(strtolower($att['name'])) . trim(strtolower($value))])) {
-                                                $email .= ($email == '') ? '' : ', ';
-                                                $email .= '"' . $att['name'] . '" <' . $value . '>';
-                                                $seeninlist[trim(strtolower($att['name'])) . trim(strtolower($value))] = true;
-                                            }
-                                        }
+                                    $members = $ob->listMembersArray();
+                                    foreach($members as $key=>$val){
+                                            $driver = &Turba_Source::singleton($val[0], $cfgSources[$val[0]]);
+                                            $listMember= $driver->getObject($val[1]); 
+                                            $emailAddress = '"'.$listMember->getValue('name').
+                                                    '" <'.$listMember->getValue('email').'>';
+                                            $email .= $emailAddress .= ',';
+                                    // get rid of trailing ','
+                                    $email = preg_replace("/,$/","",$email);
                                     $results[$name][] = array('name' => $listatt['name'], 'email' => $email);
@@ -151,7 +144,6 @@
-    }
     return $results;
diff -burN --exclude='*.dist' --exclude=config --exclude='*.back' --exclude='*.modified' --exclude='*.sql' /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/templates/browse/actions.inc ./templates/browse/actions.inc
--- /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/templates/browse/actions.inc	Wed Mar  5 02:33:37 2003
+++ ./templates/browse/actions.inc	Thu Aug 14 17:09:54 2003
@@ -12,7 +12,11 @@
   <td align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
-<?php if (!empty($cfgSources[$source]['map']['__type'])): ?>
+if (!empty($cfgSources[$source]['map']['__type'])): ?>
     <form name='targetList' action="javascript:void(0)" onsubmit="return false">
     <input type="button" class="button" onclick="ListUpdate(); Submit(<?php echo TURBA_ADD ?>); return false;" value="<?php echo _("Add to") ?>" />
     <select name="listList">
diff -burN --exclude='*.dist' --exclude=config --exclude='*.back' --exclude='*.modified' --exclude='*.sql' /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/templates/browse/contactrow.inc ./templates/browse/contactrow.inc
--- /home/iisjsoo/turba-1.2/templates/browse/contactrow.inc	Mon Feb 10 12:35:57 2003
+++ ./templates/browse/contactrow.inc	Fri Aug 15 16:12:37 2003
@@ -66,7 +66,10 @@
 <tr class="<?php echo $class ?>" onmouseover="javascript:style.backgroundColor='<?php echo $hi ?>';" onmouseout="javascript:style.backgroundColor='<?php echo $lo ?>';">
-    <input type="checkbox" name="objectkeys[]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($ob->getValue('__key')) ?>" />
+<!-- iisjsoo
+            Changed the next line to include the source of where the entry comes from
+    <input type="checkbox" name="objectkeys[]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($ob->getSource()) . "|" .htmlspecialchars($ob->getValue('__key')) ?>" />
     <?php echo $ob->isGroup() ? Horde::img('group.gif', 'alt="' . _("Group") . '"') : '' ?>
   <td><?php echo $cell ?></td>

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