[dev] Problems with ne Horde-CVS [19. Aug. 2003]

Rene Jochum rene.jochum at cable.vol.at
Mon Aug 18 18:44:05 PDT 2003

Hi List

Thirst time in this List :)

I Use the CVS-Devs since 3 days every Version i now have works fine but
not the newest [19. Aug. 2003].

I updated my horde and then i gone to the start-page there i become some
errors (i am ever logged in):

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
/usr/www/pc-dummy.net/html/horde-3.0/portal.php on line 40

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at /usr/www/pc-dummy.net/html/horde-3.0/portal.php:40)
in /usr/www/pc-dummy.net/html/horde-3.0/templates/common-header.inc on
line 3

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at /usr/www/pc-dummy.net/html/horde-3.0/portal.php:40)
in /usr/www/pc-dummy.net/html/horde-3.0/templates/common-header.inc on
line 4

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
/usr/www/pc-dummy.net/html/horde-3.0/portal.php on line 58

I understand a little bit the code from Horde so i locked on the lines
40,58 from the /horde-3.0/portal.php

Now i think the error is in the /horde-3.0/config/prefs.php

Here the resent lines from the prefs.php:

// the layout of the portal page.
$_prefs['portal_layout'] = array(
    'value' => 'a:0:{}',
    'locked' => false,
    'shared' => false,
    'type' => 'implicit',
    'desc' => 'Layout of portal page'

Anywone here known what is the error?

MFG (With kind regards)
Jochum Rene

P.s: I have only changed the config.php and registry.php from
/horde-3.0/config/ and sry for my very poor english.

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