[dev] troll conf.xml

Tim Gorter email at teletechnics.com
Fri Aug 22 09:58:43 PDT 2003

Below a conf.xml for troll if you would like to use it. I don't know
where the whole stand on integration of servers.php into the system is,
but it seems to me as still controlled through conf.php So I left this
in there.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- $Horde: troll/config/conf.xml,v xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Exp $ -->
 <configsection name="menu" desc="Menu settings">
        Menu settings
  <configmultienum name="apps" desc="Select any applications that should be linked in Ingo's menu">
    <configspecial name="list-horde-apps" />
 <configsection name="news" desc="News Server Settings">
        News Server Settings
   <configstring name="server" desc="Name of news server.">news.gmane.org</configstring>
   <configstring name="mailserver" desc="Name of mail server.">example.com</configstring>
 <configsection name="misc" desc="Misc Settings">
        Misc Settings
   <configstring name="date_format" desc="What format string should we pass to strftime() to display messages date?">%x</configstring>
   <configstring name="time_format" desc="What format string should we pass to strftime() to display messages time?">%X</configstring>

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