[dev] IMP: ExpandNames()...found something

Marc Jauvin marc at register4less.com
Wed Sep 3 11:36:28 PDT 2003

Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org> wrote:

> Look at config/sources.php.dist and at your configuration, and make sure that
> you have owner_id (and a few other things) in the 'strict' array in your
> config.

OK, this was not in my config. ADDED. Now, the "search" from within Turba lists
my  WHOLE addressbook no matter what I type... and there is no change for 


Also, IMP breaks completely when using the following in /horde/config/conf.php:

   $conf['log']['priority'] = PEAR_LOG_DEBUG;

I get NO page displayed at all...

Marc Jauvin

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