[dev] Projects management module and Groups.php

Carlos Pedrinaci cpedrinaci at yahoo.es
Fri Sep 5 08:53:09 PDT 2003

Thank you for your help Chuck.

Perhaps that would a nice moment to move the files to the public cvs

Meanwhile I have exported HEAD and the file is available @

I'm not posting it here because many of you may not be interested on
that code. I prefer to leave it on my server so that anyone interested
can go and get it.

Btw, I'm sorry but my code doesn't strictly follow all the coding
standards (in particular some if-else's and some tabs) however I'm soon
correcting that. Also .. don't be afraid about the high revision numbers
for some files as I had to work on a computer where I couldn't install a
web server.

I will try to find out what the problem with the groups is.



El vie, 05-09-2003 a las 16:11, Chuck Hagenbuch escribió:
> Quoting Carlos Pedrinaci <cpedrinaci at yahoo.es>:
> > I updated yesterday... just before I posted on the list.
> Okay, so I've poked around a bit, and I think I can see what you're talking
> about, but the things you're doing with groups are a bit complicated, so I
> can't really see what's going on without having access to fiddle with the code,
> see the groups in the db, etc.
> Most likely what is going on is that listUsers() doesn't return users in
> subgroups, but userIsInGroup() searches subgroups by default. So you have some
> interaction between that going on.
> Btw, because of the above, using subgroups to store discharged and refused users
> is probably going to cause you problems eventually.
> Sorry I can't offer you anything more concrete so far - I hope this helps at
> least a little.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
> They're just looking at a wall of meat.

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