[dev] marking moved mail as new...

Ruben van der Steenhoven ruben_donotspamme at webmeesters.nl
Fri Sep 12 04:51:07 PDT 2003

Citeren Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Ruben van der Steenhoven <ruben_donotspamme at webmeesters.nl>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > (...)
> > Since the introduction of Ingo a couple of months ago, any read items
> > that are
> > moved by Ingo to a folder are counted as New items, although they remain
> > read.
> > Result is, that i get warnings of new mail in folders where there are no
> > new
> > mails at all.
> > I don't know whether this is an Ingo- or Imp-feature, so for that reason
> > i
> > thought this would be the best place to post this issue.
> Neither Ingo nor IMP. It's an IMAP "feature".
> Jan.

Danke Jan,

but if you're right, why is this behaviour introduced with Ingo? This did not
happen with the old filters that were part of IMP.
Moreover: If i move a message manually i don't get that problem either.

Kind regards,

Ruben van der Steenhoven.

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