[dev] imp identities

Todd Merritt tmerritt at email.arizona.edu
Tue Sep 23 13:52:00 PDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 13:21, Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Todd Merritt <tmerritt at email.arizona.edu>:
> > Attached is a patch that sends an error notification when editing
> > identities if the reply to or from fields are not empty and at don't at
> > least contain an @.
> Can you please elaborate on this? Why shouldn't the reply-to address be
> empty and why shouldn't the addresses be without the domain part (given the
> fact that the server settings might append a domain).
Sure,  I didn't think about the case of a domain being appended
automatically, that kinda throws a monkey wrench into it.  If the
replyto field is empty it still passes through.  A fair number of users
here have been entering their name ie (Foo Bar) instead of an email
address into that field for some incomprehensible reason.  This was
intended as a way to stop that.  I guess it could check for an @ and if
there isn't one check for a space and if there is one then send an error
notification.  Does that seem to ugly ?


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