[dev] nag summary

Ben Chavet ben at chavet.net
Thu Oct 9 02:09:21 PDT 2003

Ok, looking at my message, I realized that I wasn't very clear about what the
patch does...

It allows the user to always see an overdue task, regardless of whether it is in
a summary-category.

It also allows the user to see alarms in the summary.


Quoting Ben Chavet <ben at chavet.net>:

> I don't like to have all of my tasks show up in the summary, it's just too
> crowded that way, so I limit it to certain categories.  However, I sometimes
> don't look at the task list for a few days & forget about something.  So, I
> needed a way to show this information in the summary, even if the tasks are
> not
> in my list of summary-categories.
> The attached patch gives this functionallity.  It is inclued as 2 new prefs
> in
> the  summary options.
> Modified files:
>   nag/config/prefs.php.dist
>   nag/lib/Block/summary.php
> --Ben Chavet

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