[dev] Problem with charsets

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Oct 20 08:33:01 PDT 2003

Zitat von Didi Rieder <adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at>:

> Hi,
> when I try to open a mailbox which contains a message of the iso-2022-jp
> charset, apache starts consuming a lot of cpu time and eats all the
> memory
> (>1GB) it can get. It never returns, even if I press the stop button.
> I'm running the CVS-HEAD Version from 2 days ago. (I had no problems with
> that
> when was running the CVS version from the beginning of August and UTF-8
> support
> enabled)
> Here I the header part + 1st line of such a message:

Works fine here (with both mbstring and iconv extensions being installed).
This sounds rather like a c-client problem anyway.


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