[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: accounts/lib base.php agora/lib base.php ansel/lib base.php babel/lib base.php chora co.php chora/lib base.php forwards/lib base.php genie/lib base.php giapeto/lib base.php gollem/lib base.php hermes/lib base.php imp/lib base.php ingo/lib ...

Roman Neuhauser neuhauser at bellavista.cz
Fri Oct 24 03:20:11 PDT 2003

# chuck at horde.org / 2003-09-20 13:10:41 -0700:
> chuck       2003/09/20 13:10:41 PDT
>   Log:
>   Use horde/lib/core.php in all applications. For now, I've commented
>   out the HORDE_LIBS-based includes in core.php and we're still using
>   the old HORDE_BASE . '/lib/' includes everywhere. But the HORDE_LIBS
>   constant is now available everywhere and core.php is included to
>   properly set up the base framework.

    seeing the commented out lines in horde/lib/core.php:

    require_once HORDE_LIBS . 'Horde/Horde.php';

    Horde.php being in horde/lib, are you planning another path change?

    I haven't found much about HORDE_LIBS in the archives; where is the
    code heading?

If you cc me or remove the list(s) completely I'll most likely ignore
your message.    see http://www.eyrie.org./~eagle/faqs/questions.html

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