[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: accounts/lib base.php agora/lib base.php ansel/lib base.php babel/lib base.php chora co.php chora/lib base.php forwards/lib base.php genie/lib base.php giapeto/lib base.php gollem/lib base.php hermes/lib base.php imp/lib base.php ingo/lib ...

Roman Neuhauser neuhauser at bellavista.cz
Fri Oct 24 04:28:35 PDT 2003

# jan at horde.org / 2003-10-24 12:57:00 +0200:
> Zitat von Roman Neuhauser <neuhauser at bellavista.cz>:
> >     the second question still stands. what are the intentions regarding
> >     especially */lib/base.php files, and generally moving from
> >
> >     HORDE_BASE . '/lib/Foo.php' to HORDE_LIBS . 'Horde/Foo.php' ?
> Having the libraries distributed and managed as separate packages and
> installable/upgradeable by the PEAR installer.

    this reply is too generic to answer the two questions above.

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