[dev] problem with search and delete

Didi Rieder adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
Thu Oct 30 12:42:18 PST 2003

Quoting "Marcus I. Ryan" <marcus at horde.org>:

> There's been some progress, yes.  It doesn't wipe out your inbox, and
> deleting
> from searches and other mailboxes seems to work again.  Still won't empty
> inbox, but I'll try and take a look at that soon if no one beats me to it
> (not sure anyone else on the core team uses a Trash folder).

I just updated:
Empty Trash works fine now... Thanks

Search and delete does not:
There was an error deleting messages from the folder "**search". This is what
the server said: Please select a mailbox first


Didi Rieder
adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
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