[dev] [patch] Implement Horde_UI_VarRenderer:: (rev 2)
Jason M. Felice
jfelice at cronosys.com
Tue Dec 2 08:26:22 PST 2003
This patch implements the Horde_UI_VarRenderer:: class. It moves variable
rendering out of Horde_Form_Renderer:: into this class so that it can be used
from other code.
This revision also patches lib/Form/Renderer/rows.php, which I had missed in
the first revision.
-------------- next part --------------
epm diff framework/UI/package.xml
--- framework/UI/package.xml 2003-12-02 10:56:25.000000000 -0500
+++ framework/UI/package.xml 2003-12-02 10:58:20.000000000 -0500
@@ -35,12 +35,18 @@
<dir role="php" baseinstalldir="/Horde" name="UI">
<file name="Language.php" />
<file name="Tabs.php" />
+ <file name="VarRenderer.php" />
+ <dir role="php" name="VarRenderer">
+ <file name="html.php" />
+ </dir>
<file name="Widget.php" />
<provides type="class" name="Horde_UI_Language" />
<provides type="class" name="Horde_UI_Tabs" />
+ <provides type="class" name="Horde_UI_VarRenderer" />
+ <provides type="class" name="Horde_UI_VarRenderer_html" />
<provides type="class" name="Horde_UI_Widget" />
epm diff lib/Form/Renderer.php
--- lib/Form/Renderer.php 2003-12-02 10:56:25.000000000 -0500
+++ lib/Form/Renderer.php 2003-12-02 11:04:18.000000000 -0500
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
var $_onLoadJS = array();
var $_showHeader = true;
var $_cols = 2;
+ var $_varRenderer = null;
* Width of the attributes column, in percent.
@@ -38,6 +39,9 @@
function Horde_Form_Renderer($params = array())
$this->_requiredMarker = Horde::img('required.gif', '*', '', $GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('graphics', 'horde'));
+ require_once 'Horde/UI/VarRenderer.php';
+ $this->_varRenderer = Horde_UI_VarRenderer::factory('html');
function showHeader($bool)
@@ -201,18 +205,14 @@
- $format = (!$active || $var->isReadonly()) ? 'Display' : 'Input';
+ $isInput = ($active && !$var->isReadonly());
+ $format = $isInput ? 'Input' : 'Display';
$begin = "_renderVar${format}Begin";
$end = "_renderVar${format}End";
- $method = "_renderVar${format}_$type";
$this->$begin($form, $var, $vars);
- if (@method_exists($this, $method) == false) {
- $method = "_renderVar${format}Default";
- }
- $this->$method($form, $var, $vars);
+ $this->_varRenderer->render($form, $var, $vars, $isInput);
$this->$end($form, $var, $vars);
if ($var->hasAction()) { ?><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
@@ -262,13 +262,7 @@
function _renderEnd()
- if (count($this->_onLoadJS)): ?>
-<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
-<?php echo implode("\n", $this->_onLoadJS); ?>
-// -->
-<?php endif;
+ $this->_varRenderer->renderEnd();
function _renderHeader($header, $error = '')
@@ -342,579 +336,6 @@
- function _renderVarInputDefault(&$form, &$var, &$vars)
- {
-?><strong>Warning:</strong> Unknown variable type <?php echo $var->getTypeName() ?><?php
- }
- function _renderVarInput_number(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><input type="text" size="5" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
- }
- function _renderVarInput_int(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><input type="text" size="5" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
- }
- function _renderVarInput_intlist(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
- }
- function _renderVarInput_text(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $maxlength = $var->type->getMaxLength();
- if (!empty($maxlength)) {
- $maxlength = ' maxlength="' . $maxlength . '"';
- }
-?><input <?php echo $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index) ?>type="text" <?php echo $var->isDisabled() ? 'disabled="disabled" ' : '' ?>size="<?php echo $var->type->getSize() ?>"<?php echo $maxlength ?> name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" <?php if ($var->hasAction()) $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $var->getVarName(), $index) ?> />
- }
- function _renderVarInput_stringlist(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><input type="text" size="60" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
- }
- function _renderVarInput_file(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><input type="file" size="30" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
- }
- /**
- * @todo Show image dimensions in the width/height boxes.
- */
- function _renderVarInput_image(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $varname = $var->getVarName();
- $var_array = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
- Horde::addScriptFile('image.js', 'horde');
- $graphics_dir = $GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('graphics', 'horde');
- $img_dir = $graphics_dir . '/image';
- if (isset($var_array['img'])) {
- /* Hidden tag to store the preview image filename. */
- printf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" %s />',
- $varname . '[img]',
- htmlspecialchars($var_array['img'], ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()),
- $this->_genID($varname . '[img]'));
- }
- $upload = $vars->getVar($varname);
- $upload['img'] = @unserialize($upload['img']);
- /* Output the input tag. */
- if (empty($upload['img'])) {
- $js = "var p = document.getElementById('" . $varname . "[preview]'); o = '\\\\'; a = '/'; tmp = '' + document.getElementById('" . $varname . "[new]').value; if (tmp) { while (tmp.indexOf(o) > -1) { pos = tmp.indexOf(o); tmp = '' + (tmp.substring(0, pos) + a + tmp.substring((pos + o.length), tmp.length));}; p.src = 'file:///' + tmp; };";
- $browser = &Browser::singleton();
- if ($browser->isBrowser('msie')) {
- printf('<input type="file" size="30" name="%s" id="%s" onchange="%s" />',
- $varname . '[new]',
- $varname . '[new]',
- $js);
- } else {
- printf('<input type="file" size="30" name="%s" id="%s" onclick="window.setTimeout(\'this.blur();\', 5);" onblur="%s" />',
- $varname . '[new]',
- $varname . '[new]',
- $js);
- }
- } else {
- printf('<input type="file" size="30" name="%s" />',
- $varname . '[new]');
- }
- /* Output the button to upload/reset the image. */
- echo ' ';
- printf('<input class="button" name="%s" type="submit" value="%s" /> ',
- '_do_' . $varname,
- _("Upload"));
- if (empty($upload['img'])) {
- echo Horde::img('tree/blank.gif', _("Preview"), 'width="50" height="40" align="top" id="' . $varname . '[preview]"', $graphics_dir);
- }
- if (!empty($upload['img'])) {
- /* Add all the buttons to control the image editing. */
- echo '<br />';
- $img = Horde::url($GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('webroot', 'horde') . '/services/images/view.php');
- if (isset($upload['img']['vfs_id'])) {
- /* Calling an image from VFS. */
- $img = Util::addParameter($img, array('f' => $upload['img']['vfs_id'],
- 's' => 'vfs',
- 'p' => $upload['img']['vfs_path']));
- } else {
- /* Calling an image from a tmp directory (uploads). */
- $img = Util::addParameter($img, 'f', $upload['img']['file']);
- }
- /* Rotate 270. */
- echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'showImage(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, array('a' => 'rotate', 'v' => '270')) . '\', \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('rotate-270.png', _("Rotate Left"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
- /* Rotate 180. */
- echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'showImage(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, array('a' => 'rotate', 'v' => '180')) . '\', \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('rotate-180.png', _("Rotate 180"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
- /* Rotate 90. */
- echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'showImage(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, array('a' => 'rotate', 'v' => '90')) . '\', \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('rotate-90.png', _("Rotate Right"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
- /* Flip image. */
- echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'showImage(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, 'a', 'flip') . '\', \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('flip.png', _("Flip"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
- /* Mirror image. */
- echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'showImage(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, 'a', 'mirror') . '\', \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('mirror.png', _("Mirror"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
- /* Apply grayscale. */
- echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'showImage(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, 'a', 'grayscale') . '\', \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('grayscale.gif', _("Grayscale"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
- /* Resize width. */
- printf('%s<input type="text" size="4" onChange="src=getResizeSrc(\'%s\', \'%s\');showImage(src, \'_p_%s\', true);" %s />',
- _("w:"),
- Util::addParameter($img, 'a', 'resize'),
- $varname,
- $varname,
- $this->_genID('_w_' . $varname, $index));
- /* Resize height. */
- printf('%s<input type="text" size="4" onChange="src=getResizeSrc(\'%s\', \'%s\');showImage(src, \'_p_%s\', true);" %s />',
- _("h:"),
- Util::addParameter($img, 'a', 'resize'),
- $varname,
- $varname,
- $this->_genID('_h_' . $varname, $index));
- /* Apply fixed ratio resize. */
- echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'src=getResizeSrc(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, 'a', 'resize') . '\', \'' . $varname . '\', \'1\');showImage(src, \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('ratio.png', _("Fix ratio"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
- /* Keep also original. */
- printf('<input type="checkbox" name="%s"%s />%s<br />' . "\n",
- $varname . '[keep_orig]',
- !empty($upload['keep_orig']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
- _("Keep original?"));
- /* The preview image element. */
- echo '<img src="' . $img . '" ' . $this->_genID('_p_' . $varname, $index) . ">\n";
- }
- }
- function _renderVarInput_longtext(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- global $browser;
- $id = $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index, false);
- printf('<textarea id="%s" name="%s" cols="%s" rows="%s">%s</textarea>',
- $id,
- $var->getVarName(),
- $var->type->getCols(),
- $var->type->getRows(),
- $var->getValue($vars, $index));
- if ($var->type->hasHelper('rte') && $browser->hasFeature('rte')) {
- require_once HORDE_BASE . '/lib/Editor.php';
- $editor = &Horde_Editor::singleton('htmlarea');
- $editor->runEditor($id);
- }
- if ($var->type->hasHelper() && $browser->hasFeature('javascript')) {
- echo '<br /><table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>';
- Horde::addScriptFile('open_html_helper.js', 'horde');
- $imgId = $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index, false) . 'goto';
- if ($var->type->hasHelper('emoticons')) {
- echo Horde::link('', _("Emoticons"), '', '', 'openHtmlHelper(\'emoticons\', \'' . $var->getVarName() . '\'); return false;') . Horde::img('smile.gif', _("Emoticons"), 'id="' . $imgId . '" align="middle"', $GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('graphics', 'horde') . '/emoticons') . '</a>';
- }
- echo '</td></tr><tr><td><div ' . $this->_genID('htmlhelper_' . $var->getVarName(), $index) . ' class="control"></div></td></tr></table>' . "\n";
- }
- }
- function _renderVarInput_countedtext(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><textarea name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" cols="<?php echo $var->type->getCols() ?>" rows="<?php echo $var->type->getRows() ?>"><?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?></textarea>
- }
- function _renderVarInput_address(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><textarea <?php echo $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index) ?> name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" cols="<?php echo $var->type->getCols() ?>" rows="<?php echo $var->type->getRows() ?>"><?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?></textarea>
- }
- function _renderVarInput_date(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
- }
- function _renderVarInput_time(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><input type="text" size="5" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
- }
- function _renderVarInput_hourminutesecond(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $hours = array('' => _("HH"));
- for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i++) {
- $hours[sprintf('%02d', $i)] = $i;
- }
- $minutes = array('' => _("MM"));
- for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i++) {
- $minutes[sprintf('%02d', $i)] = $i;
- }
- $seconds = array('' => _("SS"));
- for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i++) {
- $seconds[sprintf('%02d', $i)] = $i;
- }
- $time = $var->type->getTimeParts($var->getValue($vars, $index));
-<select name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[hour]" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[hour]"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($hours, $time['hour']) ?></select>
-<select name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[minute]" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[minute]"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($minutes, $time['minute']) ?></select>
-<select name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[second]" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[second]"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($seconds, $time['second']) ?></select>
- }
- function _renderVarInput_monthyear(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $months = array('' => _("MM"),
- 1 => _("January"),
- 2 => _("February"),
- 3 => _("March"),
- 4 => _("April"),
- 5 => _("May"),
- 6 => _("June"),
- 7 => _("July"),
- 8 => _("August"),
- 9 => _("September"),
- 10 => _("October"),
- 11 => _("November"),
- 12 => _("December"));
- $years = array('' => _("YYYY"));
- if ($var->type->_start_year > $var->type->_end_year) {
- for ($i = $var->type->_start_year; $i >= $var->type->_end_year; $i--) {
- $years[$i] = $i;
- }
- } else {
- for ($i = $var->type->_start_year; $i <= $var->type->_end_year; $i++) {
- $years[$i] = $i;
- }
- }
-?><select name="<?php echo $var->type->getMonthVar($var) ?>"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($months, $vars->getVar($var->type->getMonthVar($var))) ?></select>
-<select name="<?php echo $var->type->getYearVar($var) ?>"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($years, $vars->getVar($var->type->getYearVar($var))) ?></select>
- }
- function _renderVarInput_monthdayyear(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $months = array('' => _("MM"),
- '1' => _("January"),
- '2' => _("February"),
- '3' => _("March"),
- '4' => _("April"),
- '5' => _("May"),
- '6' => _("June"),
- '7' => _("July"),
- '8' => _("August"),
- '9' => _("September"),
- '10' => _("October"),
- '11' => _("November"),
- '12' => _("December"));
- $days = array('' => _("DD"));
- for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
- $days[$i] = $i;
- }
- $years = array('' => _("YYYY"));
- if ($var->type->_start_year > $var->type->_end_year) {
- for ($i = $var->type->_start_year; $i >= $var->type->_end_year; $i--) {
- $years[$i] = $i;
- }
- } else {
- for ($i = $var->type->_start_year; $i <= $var->type->_end_year; $i++) {
- $years[$i] = $i;
- }
- }
- $date = $var->type->getDateParts($var->getValue($vars, $index));
-<select name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[month]" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[month]"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($months, $date['month']) ?></select>
-<select name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[day]" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[day]"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($days, $date['day']) ?></select>
-<select name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[year]" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[year]"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($years, $date['year']) ?></select>
- if ($var->type->_picker && $GLOBALS['browser']->hasFeature('javascript')) {
- Horde::addScriptFile('open_calendar.js', 'horde');
- $imgId = $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index, false) . 'goto';
- echo '<div id="goto" class="control" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;padding:1px"></div>';
- echo Horde::link('', _("Select a date"), '', '', 'openCalendar(\'' . $imgId . '\', \'' . $var->getVarName() . '\'); return false;') . Horde::img('calendar.gif', _("Calendar"), 'id="' . $imgId . '" align="middle"', $GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('graphics', 'horde')) . "</a>\n";
- }
- }
- function _renderVarInput_colorpicker(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- global $registry, $browser;
-?><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><input type="text" size="10" maxlength="7" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" /></td><?php
- if ($browser->hasFeature('javascript')) {
- Horde::addScriptFile('open_colorpicker.js', 'horde');
- echo '<td width="20" id="colordemo_' . $var->getVarName() . '" style="background-color:' . $var->getValue($vars, $index) . '"> </td>';
- echo '<td>' . Horde::link('#', _("Color Picker"), 'widget', '', 'openColorPicker(\'' . $var->getVarName() . '\'); return false;') . Horde::img('colorpicker.gif', _("Color Picker"), 'height="16"', $registry->getParam('graphics', 'horde')) . '</a></td>';
- echo '<td><div id="colorpicker_' . $var->getVarName() . '" class="control"></div></td>';
- }
- }
- function _renderVarInput_sorter(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- global $registry;
- $varname = $var->getVarName();
- $instance = $var->type->_instance;
- Horde::addScriptFile('sorter.js', 'horde');
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $varname . '[array]" value="" ' . $this->_genID($varname . '[array]') . ' />';
- echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>';
- echo '<select multiple="multiple" size="' . $var->type->getSize() . '" name="' . $varname . '[list]" onchange="' . $instance . '.deselectHeader();" ' . $this->_genID($varname . '[list]') . '>';
- echo $var->type->getOptions();
- echo '</select></td><td>';
- echo Horde::link('#', _("Move up"), '', '', $instance . '.moveColumnUp(); return false;') . Horde::img('nav/up.gif', _("Move up"), '', $registry->getParam('graphics', 'horde')) . '</a><br />';
- echo Horde::link('#', _("Move up"), '', '', $instance . '.moveColumnDown(); return false;') . Horde::img('nav/down.gif', _("Move down"), '', $registry->getParam('graphics', 'horde')) . '</a></td></tr></table>';
- echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
- printf('%1$s = new Horde_Form_Sorter(\'%1$s\', \'%2$s\', \'%3$s\');' . "\n",
- $instance, $varname, $var->type->getHeader());
- printf("%s.setHidden();\n</script>\n",
- $instance);
- }
- function _renderVarInput_invalid(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- return $this->_renderVarDisplay_invalid($form, $var, $vars);
- }
- function _renderVarInput_enum(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $values = $var->getValues();
- $prompt = $var->type->getPrompt();
- $selected = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
-?><select <?php echo $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index) ?> name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>"<?php if ($var->hasAction()) $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $var->getVarName(), $index) ?>>
- <?php if (!empty($prompt)) { echo '<option value="">' . htmlspecialchars($prompt, ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()) . '</option>'; } echo $this->_selectOptions($values, $selected) ?>
- </select>
- }
- function _renderVarInput_multienum(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $values = $var->getValues();
- $selected = $vars->getVarWasset($var->getVarName(), $wasset);
- if (!$wasset) {
- $selected = $var->getDefault();
- }
-?><select multiple="multiple" size="<?php echo $var->type->size ?>" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[]">
- <?php echo $this->_multiSelectOptions($values, $selected) ?>
- </select>
- echo "<br />\n" . _("To select multiple items, hold down the Control (PC) or Command (Mac) key while clicking.") . "\n";
- }
- function _renderVarInput_radio(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $values = $var->getValues();
- $value = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
- echo $this->_radioButtons($var->getVarName(), $values, $value);
- }
- function _renderVarInput_set(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $values = $var->getValues();
- $value = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
- echo $this->_checkBoxes($var->getVarName(), $values, $value);
- }
- function _renderVarInput_link(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- return _renderVarDisplay_link($form, $var, $vars);
- }
- function _renderVarInput_email(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
- }
- function _renderVarInput_blockselect(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $varname = $var->getVarName();
- $var_array = $var->type->getBlockArray($var->getValue($vars, $index));
- $blocks = $var->type->getBlocks();
- $block_select = $var->type->getBlockSelect();
- if (isset($var_array['old'])) {
- /* Hidden tag to store previous block values. */
- printf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" %s />',
- $varname . '[old]',
- htmlspecialchars($var_array['old'], ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()),
- $this->_genID($varname . '[old]'));
- }
- /* Output the block name selection box. */
- printf('<select %s name="%s" %s><option value="">%s</option>%s</select><br />',
- $this->_genID($varname . '[name]', $index),
- $varname . '[name]',
- ($var->hasAction() ? $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $varname . '[block]', $index) : ''),
- _("-- select --"),
- $this->_selectOptions($block_select, $var_array['name']));
- /* If name has been selected, output the block params input. */
- if (!empty($var_array['name'])) {
- list($this_app, $this_type) = explode(':', $var_array['name']);
- $this_block = $blocks[$this_app][$this_type];
- /* Go through the params of this block and set up any required
- * extra input. */
- foreach ($this_block['params'] as $param_id => $param) {
- $value = (isset($var_array['params'][$param_id]) ? $var_array['params'][$param_id] : '');
- $value = $var->type->setValue($value, $param);
- /* Figure out what type of extra input is required. */
- switch ($param['type']) {
- case 'enum':
- /* Simple selection box. */
- printf('%s: <select %s name="%s" %s><option value="">%s</option>%s</select><br />',
- $param['name'],
- $this->_genID($varname . '[params][' . $param_id . ']', $index),
- $varname . '[params][' . $param_id . ']',
- ($var->hasAction() ? $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $varname . '[params]' . $param_id . ']', $index) : ''),
- _("-- select --"),
- $this->_selectOptions($param['values'], $value));
- break;
- case 'mlenum':
- /* Multiple level selection box. */
- $first_level = array_flip(array_keys($param['values']));
- foreach ($first_level as $key => $val) {
- $first_level[$key] = $key;
- }
- printf('%s: <select %s name="%s" %s><option value="">%s</option>%s</select>',
- $param['name'],
- $this->_genID($varname . '[params][' . $param_id . '][1]', $index),
- $varname . '[params][' . $param_id . '][1]',
- ($var->hasAction() ? $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $varname . '[params]' . $param_id . '][1]', $index) : ''),
- _("-- select --"),
- $this->_selectOptions($first_level, $value[1]));
- if (!empty($value[1])) {
- if (!isset($value[2])) {
- $value[2] = '';
- }
- $second_level = $param['values'][$value[1]];
- printf('<select %s name="%s" %s><option value="">%s</option>%s</select><br />',
- $this->_genID($varname . '[params][' . $param_id . '][2]', $index),
- $varname . '[params][' . $param_id . '][2]',
- ($var->hasAction() ? $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $varname . '[params]' . $param_id . '][2]', $index) : ''),
- _("-- select --"),
- $this->_selectOptions($second_level, $value[2]));
- }
- break;
- default:
- /* Default to a text input box. */
- printf('%s: <input %s type="text" size="%s" name="%s" %s value="%s" /><br />',
- $param['name'],
- $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index),
- '20',
- $varname . '[params][' . $param_id . ']',
- ($var->hasAction() ? $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $varname . '[params]' . $param_id . ']', $index) : ''),
- $value);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function _renderVarInput_matrix(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $varname = $var->getVarName();
- $var_array = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
- $cols = $var->type->getCols();
- $rows = $var->type->getRows();
- $matrix = $var->type->getMatrix();
- $new_input = $var->type->getNewInput();
- echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>';
- echo '<td align="right" width="20%"></td>';
- foreach ($cols as $col_title) {
- printf('<td align="center" width="1%%">%s</td>', $col_title);
- }
- echo '<td align="right" width="60%"></td></tr>';
- /* Offer a new row of data to be added to the matrix? */
- if ($new_input) {
- echo '<tr><td>';
- if (is_array($new_input)) {
- printf('<select %s name="%s[n][r]"><option value="">%s</option>%s</select><br />',
- $this->_genID($varname . '[n][r]', $index),
- $varname,
- _("-- select --"),
- $this->_selectOptions($new_input, $var_array['n']['r']));
- } elseif ($new_input == true) {
- printf('<input %s type="text" name="%s[n][r]" value="%s" />',
- $this->_genID($varname . '[n][r]', $index),
- $varname,
- $var_array['n']['r']);
- }
- echo ' </td>';
- foreach ($cols as $col_id => $col_title) {
- printf('<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="%s[n][v][%s]" /></td>', $varname, $col_id);
- }
- echo '<td> </td></tr>';
- }
- /* Loop through the rows and create checkboxes for each column. */
- foreach ($rows as $row_id => $row_title) {
- printf('<tr><td>%s</td>', $row_title);
- foreach ($cols as $col_id => $col_title) {
- printf('<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="%s[r][%s][%s]"%s /></td>', $varname, $row_id, $col_id, (!empty($matrix[$row_id][$col_id]) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''));
- }
- echo '<td> </td></tr>';
- }
- echo '</table>';
- }
- function _renderVarInput_password(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><input type="password" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
- }
- function _renderVarInput_emailconfirm(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $email = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
-?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[original]" value="<?php $email['original'] ?>" /><br />
- <input type="text" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[confirm]" value="<?php $email['confirm'] ?>" />
- }
- function _renderVarInput_passwordconfirm(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $password = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
-?><input type="password" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[original]" value="<?php echo $password['original'] ?>" /><br />
- <input type="password" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[confirm]" value="<?php echo $password['confirm'] ?>" />
- }
- function _renderVarInput_boolean(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>"<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; if ($var->hasAction()) $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $var->getVarName(), $index) ?> />
- }
- function _renderVarInput_creditcard(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>"<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index); if ($var->hasAction()) $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $var->getVarName(), $index) ?> />
- }
// Implementation specifics -- display variables.
function _renderVarDisplayBegin(&$form, &$var, &$vars)
@@ -930,271 +351,6 @@
- function _renderVarDisplayDefault(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($var->getValue($vars, $index), ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()));
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_html(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- echo $var->getValue($vars, $index);
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_password(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- echo htmlspecialchars('********', ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset());
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_passwordconfirm(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- echo htmlspecialchars('********', ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset());
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_boolean(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) == 'on' ? _("On") : _("Off");
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_enum(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $values = $var->getValues();
- if (count($values) == 0) {
- echo _("No values");
- } elseif (isset($values[$var->getValue($vars, $index)]) && $var->getValue($vars, $index) != '') {
- echo htmlspecialchars($values[$var->getValue($vars, $index)], ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset());
- }
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_radio(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $values = $var->getValues();
- if (count($values) == 0) {
- echo _("No values");
- } elseif (isset($values[$var->getValue($vars, $index)])) {
- echo htmlspecialchars($values[$var->getValue($vars, $index)], ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset());
- }
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_multienum(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $values = $var->getValues();
- $on = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
- if (!count($values) || !count($on)) {
- echo _("No values");
- } else {
- $display = array();
- foreach ($values as $value => $name) {
- if (in_array($value, $on)) {
- $display[] = $name;
- }
- }
- echo htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $display), ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset());
- }
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_set(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $values = $var->getValues();
- $on = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
- if (!count($values) || !count($on)) {
- echo _("No values");
- } else {
- $display = array();
- foreach ($values as $value => $name) {
- if (in_array($value, $on)) {
- $display[] = $name;
- }
- }
- echo htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $display), ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset());
- }
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_image(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $img_params = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
- $img_url = Horde::url($GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('webroot', 'horde') . '/services/images/view.php');
- $img_url = Util::addParameter($img_url, $img_params);
- echo Horde::img($img_url, $img_params['f'], '', '');
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_address(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $address = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
- if (preg_match('/(.*)\n(.*)\s*,\s*(\w+)\.?\s+(\d+|[a-zA-Z]\d[a-zA-Z]\s?\d[a-zA-Z]\d)/', $address, $addressParts)) {
- /* American/Canadian address style. */
- $mapurl = 'http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?size=big&zoom=7';
- if (!empty($addressParts[1])) {
- $mapurl .= '&address=' . urlencode($addressParts[1]);
- }
- if (!empty($addressParts[2])) {
- $mapurl .= '&city=' . urlencode($addressParts[2]);
- }
- if (!empty($addressParts[3])) {
- $mapurl .= '&state=' . urlencode($addressParts[3]);
- }
- if (!empty($addressParts[4])) {
- $mapurl .= '&zipcode=' . urlencode($addressParts[4]);
- if (preg_match('|[a-zA-Z]\d[a-zA-Z]\s?\d[a-zA-Z]\d|', $addressParts[4])) {
- $mapurl .= '&country=CA';
- }
- }
- } elseif (preg_match('/(.*)\nD-(\d{5})\s+(.*)/i', $address, $addressParts)) {
- /* German address style. */
- $mapurl = 'http://www.map24.de/map24/index.php3?maptype=RELOAD&country0=de&gcf=1';
- if (!empty($addressParts[1])) {
- $mapurl .= '&street0=' . urlencode($addressParts[1]);
- }
- if (!empty($addressParts[2])) {
- $mapurl .= '&zip0=' . urlencode($addressParts[2]);
- }
- if (!empty($addressParts[3])) {
- $mapurl .= '&city0=' . urlencode($addressParts[3]);
- }
- }
- echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($var->getValue($vars, $index), ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()));
- if (!empty($mapurl)) {
- global $registry;
- echo Horde::link($mapurl, _("View map"), null, '_blank') . Horde::img('map.gif', _("View map"), 'align="middle"', $registry->getParam('graphics', 'horde')) . '</a>';
- }
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_date(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- echo $var->type->getFormattedTimeFull($var->getValue($vars, $index));
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_monthyear(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- echo $vars->getVar($var->getVarName() . '[month]') . ', ' . $vars->getVar($var->getVarName() . '[year]');
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_monthdayyear(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- $date = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
- if ((is_array($date) && !empty($date['year']) && !empty($date['month']) && !empty($date['day'])) || (!is_array($date) && !empty($date))) {
- echo $var->type->formatDate($date);
- }
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_invalid(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- echo '<span class="form-error">' . htmlspecialchars($var->type->message, ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()) . '</span>';
- }
- function _renderVarDisplay_link(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
- if (isset($var->type->values[0]) && is_array($var->type->values[0])) {
- $count = count($var->type->values);
- for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
- if (empty($var->type->values[$i]['url']) || empty($var->type->values[$i]['text'])) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($i > 0) {
- echo ' | ';
- }
- echo Horde::link($var->type->values[$i]['url'], $var->type->values[$i]['text'], 'widget') . $var->type->values[$i]['text'] . '</a>';
- }
- } else {
- if (empty($var->type->values['url']) || empty($var->type->values['text'])) {
- return;
- }
- echo Horde::link($var->type->values['url'], $var->type->values['text'], 'widget') . $var->type->values['text'] . '</a>';
- }
- }
- function _selectOptions(&$values, $selectedValue = false)
- {
- $result = '';
- $sel = false;
- foreach ($values as $value => $display) {
- if (!is_null($selectedValue) && !$sel && $value == $selectedValue) {
- $selected = ' selected="selected"';
- $sel = true;
- } else {
- $selected = '';
- }
- $result .= ' <option value="' . htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()) . '"' . $selected . '>' . htmlspecialchars($display) . "</option>\n";
- }
- return $result;
- }
- function _multiSelectOptions(&$values, $selectedValues)
- {
- $result = '';
- $sel = false;
- foreach ($values as $value => $display) {
- if (@in_array($value, $selectedValues)) {
- $selected = ' selected="selected"';
- } else {
- $selected = '';
- }
- $result .= " <option value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()) . "\"$selected>" . htmlspecialchars($display) . "</option>\n";
- }
- return $result;
- }
- function _checkBoxes($name, $values, $checkedValues)
- {
- $result = '';
- if (!is_array($checkedValues)) {
- $checkedValues = array();
- }
- $i = 0;
- foreach ($values as $value => $display) {
- $checked = (in_array($value, $checkedValues)) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
- $result .= "<input id=\"${name}${i}\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"${name}[]\" value=\"$value\"$checked /><label for=\"${name}${i}\"> $display</label><br />";
- $i++;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- function _radioButtons($name, $values, $checkedValue = null)
- {
- $result = '';
- $i = 0;
- foreach ($values as $value => $display) {
- $checked = (!is_null($checkedValue) && $value == $checkedValue) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
- $result .= "<input id=\"${name}${i}\" type=\"radio\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\"$checked /><label for=\"${name}${i}\"> $display</label><br />";
- $i++;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- function _genID($name, $index = null, $fulltag = true)
- {
- $name = str_replace('[]', '', $name);
- if (!is_null($index)) {
- $name .= $index;
- }
- return $fulltag ? 'id="' . htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()) . '"' : $name;
- }
- function _genActionScript(&$form, $action, $varname, $index = null)
- {
- $triggers = $action->getTrigger();
- if (!is_array($triggers)) {
- $triggers = array($triggers);
- }
- $js = $action->getActionScript($form, $this, $varname, $index);
- foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
- if ($trigger == 'onload') {
- $this->_addOnLoadJavascript($js);
- } else {
- echo ' ' . $trigger . '="' . $js . '"';
- }
- }
- }
- function _addOnLoadJavascript($script)
- {
- $this->_onLoadJS[] = $script;
- }
function getRowClass($increment = true)
static $i = 1;
epm diff framework/UI/UI/VarRenderer.php
--- framework/UI/UI/VarRenderer.php 1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ framework/UI/UI/VarRenderer.php 2003-12-02 10:56:25.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * The Horde_UI_VarRenderer:: class provides base functionality for other Horde
+ * UI elements.
+ *
+ * $Horde: $
+ *
+ * Copyright 2003 Jason M. Felice <jfelice at cronosys.com>
+ *
+ * See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL).
+ *
+ * @version $Revision: 1.6 $
+ * @since Horde_UI 0.0.1
+ * @package Horde_UI
+ */
+class Horde_UI_VarRenderer {
+ /**
+ * Parameters which change this renderer's behavior.
+ * @var array $_params
+ */
+ var $_params;
+ /**
+ * Construct a new renderer.
+ *
+ * @access public
+ *
+ * @param array $params The name of the variable which will track this
+ * UI widget's state.
+ */
+ function Horde_UI_VarRenderer($params = array())
+ {
+ $this->_params = $params;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Construct a new Horde_UI_VarRenderer:: instance.
+ *
+ * @param string $driver This is the renderer subclass we
+ * will instantiate.
+ * @param optional array $params parameters specific to the subclass
+ * @return object a Horde_UI_VarRenderer:: subclass instance.
+ */
+ function &factory($driver, $params = array())
+ {
+ $class = 'Horde_UI_VarRenderer_' . $driver;
+ require_once 'Horde/UI/VarRenderer/' . $driver . '.php';
+ return new $class($params);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return a Horde_UI_VarRenderer:: instance, constructing one with
+ * the specified parameters if necessary.
+ *
+ * @param string $driver This is the renderer subclass we
+ * will instantiate.
+ * @param optional array $params parameters specific to the subclass
+ * @return object a Horde_UI_VarRenderer:: subclass instance.
+ */
+ function &singleton($driver, $params = array())
+ {
+ static $cache;
+ if (is_null($driver)) {
+ $class = 'Horde_UI_VarRenderer';
+ }
+ $key = serialize(array ($driver, $params));
+ if (!isset($cache[$key])) {
+ $cache[$key] = &Horde_UI_VarRenderer::factory($driver, $params);
+ }
+ return $cache[$key];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render a variable.
+ *
+ * @param object &$form Reference to a Horde_Form:: instance,
+ * or null if none is available.
+ * @param object &$var Reference to a Horde_Form_Var::
+ * @param object &$vars A Horde_Form_Vars::
+ * @param bool $isInput Whether this is an input field.
+ */
+ function render(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $isInput = false, $index = null)
+ {
+ if ($isInput) {
+ $state = 'Input';
+ } else {
+ $state = 'Display';
+ }
+ $method = "_renderVar${state}_" . $var->type->getTypeName();
+ if (!@method_exists($this, $method)) {
+ $method = "_renderVar${state}Default";
+ }
+ return $this->$method($form, $var, $vars, $index);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finish rendering after all fields are output.
+ */
+ function renderEnd() {}
epm diff framework/UI/UI/VarRenderer/html.php
--- framework/UI/UI/VarRenderer/html.php 1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ framework/UI/UI/VarRenderer/html.php 2003-12-02 11:20:09.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+ * The Horde_UI_VarRenderer_html:: class renders variables to HTML.
+ *
+ * $Horde: $
+ *
+ * Copyright 2003 Jason M. Felice <jfelice at cronosys.com>
+ *
+ * See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL).
+ *
+ * @version $Revision: 1.6 $
+ * @since Horde_UI 0.0.1
+ * @package Horde_UI
+ */
+class Horde_UI_VarRenderer_html extends Horde_UI_VarRenderer {
+ var $_onLoadJS = array();
+ function _renderVarInputDefault(&$form, &$var, &$vars)
+ {
+?><strong>Warning:</strong> Unknown variable type <?php echo $var->getTypeName() ?><?php
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_number(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+?><input type="text" size="5" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_int(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+?><input type="text" size="5" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_intlist(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_text(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $maxlength = $var->type->getMaxLength();
+ if (!empty($maxlength)) {
+ $maxlength = ' maxlength="' . $maxlength . '"';
+ }
+?><input <?php echo $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index) ?>type="text" <?php echo $var->isDisabled() ? 'disabled="disabled" ' : '' ?>size="<?php echo $var->type->getSize() ?>"<?php echo $maxlength ?> name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" <?php if ($var->hasAction()) $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $var->getVarName(), $index) ?> />
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_stringlist(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+?><input type="text" size="60" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_file(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+?><input type="file" size="30" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
+ }
+ /**
+ * @todo Show image dimensions in the width/height boxes.
+ */
+ function _renderVarInput_image(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $varname = $var->getVarName();
+ $var_array = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+ Horde::addScriptFile('image.js', 'horde');
+ $graphics_dir = $GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('graphics', 'horde');
+ $img_dir = $graphics_dir . '/image';
+ if (isset($var_array['img'])) {
+ /* Hidden tag to store the preview image filename. */
+ printf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" %s />',
+ $varname . '[img]',
+ htmlspecialchars($var_array['img'], ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()),
+ $this->_genID($varname . '[img]'));
+ }
+ $upload = $vars->getVar($varname);
+ $upload['img'] = @unserialize($upload['img']);
+ /* Output the input tag. */
+ if (empty($upload['img'])) {
+ $js = "var p = document.getElementById('" . $varname . "[preview]'); o = '\\\\'; a = '/'; tmp = '' + document.getElementById('" . $varname . "[new]').value; if (tmp) { while (tmp.indexOf(o) > -1) { pos = tmp.indexOf(o); tmp = '' + (tmp.substring(0, pos) + a + tmp.substring((pos + o.length), tmp.length));}; p.src = 'file:///' + tmp; };";
+ $browser = &Browser::singleton();
+ if ($browser->isBrowser('msie')) {
+ printf('<input type="file" size="30" name="%s" id="%s" onchange="%s" />',
+ $varname . '[new]',
+ $varname . '[new]',
+ $js);
+ } else {
+ printf('<input type="file" size="30" name="%s" id="%s" onclick="window.setTimeout(\'this.blur();\', 5);" onblur="%s" />',
+ $varname . '[new]',
+ $varname . '[new]',
+ $js);
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf('<input type="file" size="30" name="%s" />',
+ $varname . '[new]');
+ }
+ /* Output the button to upload/reset the image. */
+ echo ' ';
+ printf('<input class="button" name="%s" type="submit" value="%s" /> ',
+ '_do_' . $varname,
+ _("Upload"));
+ if (empty($upload['img'])) {
+ echo Horde::img('tree/blank.gif', _("Preview"), 'width="50" height="40" align="top" id="' . $varname . '[preview]"', $graphics_dir);
+ }
+ if (!empty($upload['img'])) {
+ /* Add all the buttons to control the image editing. */
+ echo '<br />';
+ $img = Horde::url($GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('webroot', 'horde') . '/services/images/view.php');
+ if (isset($upload['img']['vfs_id'])) {
+ /* Calling an image from VFS. */
+ $img = Util::addParameter($img, array('f' => $upload['img']['vfs_id'],
+ 's' => 'vfs',
+ 'p' => $upload['img']['vfs_path']));
+ } else {
+ /* Calling an image from a tmp directory (uploads). */
+ $img = Util::addParameter($img, 'f', $upload['img']['file']);
+ }
+ /* Rotate 270. */
+ echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'showImage(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, array('a' => 'rotate', 'v' => '270')) . '\', \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('rotate-270.png', _("Rotate Left"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
+ /* Rotate 180. */
+ echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'showImage(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, array('a' => 'rotate', 'v' => '180')) . '\', \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('rotate-180.png', _("Rotate 180"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
+ /* Rotate 90. */
+ echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'showImage(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, array('a' => 'rotate', 'v' => '90')) . '\', \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('rotate-90.png', _("Rotate Right"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
+ /* Flip image. */
+ echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'showImage(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, 'a', 'flip') . '\', \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('flip.png', _("Flip"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
+ /* Mirror image. */
+ echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'showImage(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, 'a', 'mirror') . '\', \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('mirror.png', _("Mirror"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
+ /* Apply grayscale. */
+ echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'showImage(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, 'a', 'grayscale') . '\', \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('grayscale.gif', _("Grayscale"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
+ /* Resize width. */
+ printf('%s<input type="text" size="4" onChange="src=getResizeSrc(\'%s\', \'%s\');showImage(src, \'_p_%s\', true);" %s />',
+ _("w:"),
+ Util::addParameter($img, 'a', 'resize'),
+ $varname,
+ $varname,
+ $this->_genID('_w_' . $varname, $index));
+ /* Resize height. */
+ printf('%s<input type="text" size="4" onChange="src=getResizeSrc(\'%s\', \'%s\');showImage(src, \'_p_%s\', true);" %s />',
+ _("h:"),
+ Util::addParameter($img, 'a', 'resize'),
+ $varname,
+ $varname,
+ $this->_genID('_h_' . $varname, $index));
+ /* Apply fixed ratio resize. */
+ echo Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'src=getResizeSrc(\'' . Util::addParameter($img, 'a', 'resize') . '\', \'' . $varname . '\', \'1\');showImage(src, \'_p_' . $varname . '\', true);') . Horde::img('ratio.png', _("Fix ratio"), 'align="middle"', $img_dir) . '</a>';
+ /* Keep also original. */
+ printf('<input type="checkbox" name="%s"%s />%s<br />' . "\n",
+ $varname . '[keep_orig]',
+ !empty($upload['keep_orig']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
+ _("Keep original?"));
+ /* The preview image element. */
+ echo '<img src="' . $img . '" ' . $this->_genID('_p_' . $varname, $index) . ">\n";
+ }
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_longtext(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ global $browser;
+ $id = $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index, false);
+ printf('<textarea id="%s" name="%s" cols="%s" rows="%s">%s</textarea>',
+ $id,
+ $var->getVarName(),
+ $var->type->getCols(),
+ $var->type->getRows(),
+ $var->getValue($vars, $index));
+ if ($var->type->hasHelper('rte') && $browser->hasFeature('rte')) {
+ require_once HORDE_BASE . '/lib/Editor.php';
+ $editor = &Horde_Editor::singleton('htmlarea');
+ $editor->runEditor($id);
+ }
+ if ($var->type->hasHelper() && $browser->hasFeature('javascript')) {
+ echo '<br /><table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>';
+ Horde::addScriptFile('open_html_helper.js', 'horde');
+ $imgId = $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index, false) . 'goto';
+ if ($var->type->hasHelper('emoticons')) {
+ echo Horde::link('', _("Emoticons"), '', '', 'openHtmlHelper(\'emoticons\', \'' . $var->getVarName() . '\'); return false;') . Horde::img('smile.gif', _("Emoticons"), 'id="' . $imgId . '" align="middle"', $GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('graphics', 'horde') . '/emoticons') . '</a>';
+ }
+ echo '</td></tr><tr><td><div ' . $this->_genID('htmlhelper_' . $var->getVarName(), $index) . ' class="control"></div></td></tr></table>' . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_countedtext(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+?><textarea name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" cols="<?php echo $var->type->getCols() ?>" rows="<?php echo $var->type->getRows() ?>"><?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?></textarea>
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_address(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+?><textarea <?php echo $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index) ?> name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" cols="<?php echo $var->type->getCols() ?>" rows="<?php echo $var->type->getRows() ?>"><?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?></textarea>
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_date(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_time(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+?><input type="text" size="5" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_hourminutesecond(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $hours = array('' => _("HH"));
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i++) {
+ $hours[sprintf('%02d', $i)] = $i;
+ }
+ $minutes = array('' => _("MM"));
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i++) {
+ $minutes[sprintf('%02d', $i)] = $i;
+ }
+ $seconds = array('' => _("SS"));
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i++) {
+ $seconds[sprintf('%02d', $i)] = $i;
+ }
+ $time = $var->type->getTimeParts($var->getValue($vars, $index));
+<select name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[hour]" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[hour]"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($hours, $time['hour']) ?></select>
+<select name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[minute]" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[minute]"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($minutes, $time['minute']) ?></select>
+<select name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[second]" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[second]"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($seconds, $time['second']) ?></select>
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_monthyear(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $months = array('' => _("MM"),
+ 1 => _("January"),
+ 2 => _("February"),
+ 3 => _("March"),
+ 4 => _("April"),
+ 5 => _("May"),
+ 6 => _("June"),
+ 7 => _("July"),
+ 8 => _("August"),
+ 9 => _("September"),
+ 10 => _("October"),
+ 11 => _("November"),
+ 12 => _("December"));
+ $years = array('' => _("YYYY"));
+ if ($var->type->_start_year > $var->type->_end_year) {
+ for ($i = $var->type->_start_year; $i >= $var->type->_end_year; $i--) {
+ $years[$i] = $i;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ($i = $var->type->_start_year; $i <= $var->type->_end_year; $i++) {
+ $years[$i] = $i;
+ }
+ }
+?><select name="<?php echo $var->type->getMonthVar($var) ?>"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($months, $vars->getVar($var->type->getMonthVar($var))) ?></select>
+<select name="<?php echo $var->type->getYearVar($var) ?>"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($years, $vars->getVar($var->type->getYearVar($var))) ?></select>
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_monthdayyear(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $months = array('' => _("MM"),
+ '1' => _("January"),
+ '2' => _("February"),
+ '3' => _("March"),
+ '4' => _("April"),
+ '5' => _("May"),
+ '6' => _("June"),
+ '7' => _("July"),
+ '8' => _("August"),
+ '9' => _("September"),
+ '10' => _("October"),
+ '11' => _("November"),
+ '12' => _("December"));
+ $days = array('' => _("DD"));
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
+ $days[$i] = $i;
+ }
+ $years = array('' => _("YYYY"));
+ if ($var->type->_start_year > $var->type->_end_year) {
+ for ($i = $var->type->_start_year; $i >= $var->type->_end_year; $i--) {
+ $years[$i] = $i;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ($i = $var->type->_start_year; $i <= $var->type->_end_year; $i++) {
+ $years[$i] = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ $date = $var->type->getDateParts($var->getValue($vars, $index));
+<select name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[month]" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[month]"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($months, $date['month']) ?></select>
+<select name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[day]" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[day]"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($days, $date['day']) ?></select>
+<select name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[year]" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[year]"><?php echo $this->_selectOptions($years, $date['year']) ?></select>
+ if ($var->type->_picker && $GLOBALS['browser']->hasFeature('javascript')) {
+ Horde::addScriptFile('open_calendar.js', 'horde');
+ $imgId = $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index, false) . 'goto';
+ echo '<div id="goto" class="control" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;padding:1px"></div>';
+ echo Horde::link('', _("Select a date"), '', '', 'openCalendar(\'' . $imgId . '\', \'' . $var->getVarName() . '\'); return false;') . Horde::img('calendar.gif', _("Calendar"), 'id="' . $imgId . '" align="middle"', $GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('graphics', 'horde')) . "</a>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_colorpicker(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ global $registry, $browser;
+?><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><input type="text" size="10" maxlength="7" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" id="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" /></td><?php
+ if ($browser->hasFeature('javascript')) {
+ Horde::addScriptFile('open_colorpicker.js', 'horde');
+ echo '<td width="20" id="colordemo_' . $var->getVarName() . '" style="background-color:' . $var->getValue($vars, $index) . '"> </td>';
+ echo '<td>' . Horde::link('#', _("Color Picker"), 'widget', '', 'openColorPicker(\'' . $var->getVarName() . '\'); return false;') . Horde::img('colorpicker.gif', _("Color Picker"), 'height="16"', $registry->getParam('graphics', 'horde')) . '</a></td>';
+ echo '<td><div id="colorpicker_' . $var->getVarName() . '" class="control"></div></td>';
+ }
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_sorter(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ global $registry;
+ $varname = $var->getVarName();
+ $instance = $var->type->_instance;
+ Horde::addScriptFile('sorter.js', 'horde');
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $varname . '[array]" value="" ' . $this->_genID($varname . '[array]') . ' />';
+ echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>';
+ echo '<select multiple="multiple" size="' . $var->type->getSize() . '" name="' . $varname . '[list]" onchange="' . $instance . '.deselectHeader();" ' . $this->_genID($varname . '[list]') . '>';
+ echo $var->type->getOptions();
+ echo '</select></td><td>';
+ echo Horde::link('#', _("Move up"), '', '', $instance . '.moveColumnUp(); return false;') . Horde::img('nav/up.gif', _("Move up"), '', $registry->getParam('graphics', 'horde')) . '</a><br />';
+ echo Horde::link('#', _("Move up"), '', '', $instance . '.moveColumnDown(); return false;') . Horde::img('nav/down.gif', _("Move down"), '', $registry->getParam('graphics', 'horde')) . '</a></td></tr></table>';
+ echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
+ printf('%1$s = new Horde_Form_Sorter(\'%1$s\', \'%2$s\', \'%3$s\');' . "\n",
+ $instance, $varname, $var->type->getHeader());
+ printf("%s.setHidden();\n</script>\n",
+ $instance);
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_invalid(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ return $this->_renderVarDisplay_invalid($form, $var, $vars);
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_enum(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $values = $var->getValues();
+ $prompt = $var->type->getPrompt();
+ $selected = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+?><select <?php echo $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index) ?> name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>"<?php if ($var->hasAction()) $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $var->getVarName(), $index) ?>>
+ <?php if (!empty($prompt)) { echo '<option value="">' . htmlspecialchars($prompt, ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()) . '</option>'; } echo $this->_selectOptions($values, $selected) ?>
+ </select>
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_multienum(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $values = $var->getValues();
+ $selected = $vars->getVarWasset($var->getVarName(), $wasset);
+ if (!$wasset) {
+ $selected = $var->getDefault();
+ }
+?><select multiple="multiple" size="<?php echo $var->type->size ?>" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[]">
+ <?php echo $this->_multiSelectOptions($values, $selected) ?>
+ </select>
+ echo "<br />\n" . _("To select multiple items, hold down the Control (PC) or Command (Mac) key while clicking.") . "\n";
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_radio(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $values = $var->getValues();
+ $value = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+ echo $this->_radioButtons($var->getVarName(), $values, $value);
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_set(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $values = $var->getValues();
+ $value = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+ echo $this->_checkBoxes($var->getVarName(), $values, $value);
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_link(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ return _renderVarDisplay_link($form, $var, $vars);
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_email(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_blockselect(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $varname = $var->getVarName();
+ $var_array = $var->type->getBlockArray($var->getValue($vars, $index));
+ $blocks = $var->type->getBlocks();
+ $block_select = $var->type->getBlockSelect();
+ if (isset($var_array['old'])) {
+ /* Hidden tag to store previous block values. */
+ printf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" %s />',
+ $varname . '[old]',
+ htmlspecialchars($var_array['old'], ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()),
+ $this->_genID($varname . '[old]'));
+ }
+ /* Output the block name selection box. */
+ printf('<select %s name="%s" %s><option value="">%s</option>%s</select><br />',
+ $this->_genID($varname . '[name]', $index),
+ $varname . '[name]',
+ ($var->hasAction() ? $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $varname . '[block]', $index) : ''),
+ _("-- select --"),
+ $this->_selectOptions($block_select, $var_array['name']));
+ /* If name has been selected, output the block params input. */
+ if (!empty($var_array['name'])) {
+ list($this_app, $this_type) = explode(':', $var_array['name']);
+ $this_block = $blocks[$this_app][$this_type];
+ /* Go through the params of this block and set up any required
+ * extra input. */
+ foreach ($this_block['params'] as $param_id => $param) {
+ $value = (isset($var_array['params'][$param_id]) ? $var_array['params'][$param_id] : '');
+ $value = $var->type->setValue($value, $param);
+ /* Figure out what type of extra input is required. */
+ switch ($param['type']) {
+ case 'enum':
+ /* Simple selection box. */
+ printf('%s: <select %s name="%s" %s><option value="">%s</option>%s</select><br />',
+ $param['name'],
+ $this->_genID($varname . '[params][' . $param_id . ']', $index),
+ $varname . '[params][' . $param_id . ']',
+ ($var->hasAction() ? $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $varname . '[params]' . $param_id . ']', $index) : ''),
+ _("-- select --"),
+ $this->_selectOptions($param['values'], $value));
+ break;
+ case 'mlenum':
+ /* Multiple level selection box. */
+ $first_level = array_flip(array_keys($param['values']));
+ foreach ($first_level as $key => $val) {
+ $first_level[$key] = $key;
+ }
+ printf('%s: <select %s name="%s" %s><option value="">%s</option>%s</select>',
+ $param['name'],
+ $this->_genID($varname . '[params][' . $param_id . '][1]', $index),
+ $varname . '[params][' . $param_id . '][1]',
+ ($var->hasAction() ? $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $varname . '[params]' . $param_id . '][1]', $index) : ''),
+ _("-- select --"),
+ $this->_selectOptions($first_level, $value[1]));
+ if (!empty($value[1])) {
+ if (!isset($value[2])) {
+ $value[2] = '';
+ }
+ $second_level = $param['values'][$value[1]];
+ printf('<select %s name="%s" %s><option value="">%s</option>%s</select><br />',
+ $this->_genID($varname . '[params][' . $param_id . '][2]', $index),
+ $varname . '[params][' . $param_id . '][2]',
+ ($var->hasAction() ? $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $varname . '[params]' . $param_id . '][2]', $index) : ''),
+ _("-- select --"),
+ $this->_selectOptions($second_level, $value[2]));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Default to a text input box. */
+ printf('%s: <input %s type="text" size="%s" name="%s" %s value="%s" /><br />',
+ $param['name'],
+ $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), $index),
+ '20',
+ $varname . '[params][' . $param_id . ']',
+ ($var->hasAction() ? $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $varname . '[params]' . $param_id . ']', $index) : ''),
+ $value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_matrix(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $varname = $var->getVarName();
+ $var_array = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+ $cols = $var->type->getCols();
+ $rows = $var->type->getRows();
+ $matrix = $var->type->getMatrix();
+ $new_input = $var->type->getNewInput();
+ echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>';
+ echo '<td align="right" width="20%"></td>';
+ foreach ($cols as $col_title) {
+ printf('<td align="center" width="1%%">%s</td>', $col_title);
+ }
+ echo '<td align="right" width="60%"></td></tr>';
+ /* Offer a new row of data to be added to the matrix? */
+ if ($new_input) {
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ if (is_array($new_input)) {
+ printf('<select %s name="%s[n][r]"><option value="">%s</option>%s</select><br />',
+ $this->_genID($varname . '[n][r]', $index),
+ $varname,
+ _("-- select --"),
+ $this->_selectOptions($new_input, $var_array['n']['r']));
+ } elseif ($new_input == true) {
+ printf('<input %s type="text" name="%s[n][r]" value="%s" />',
+ $this->_genID($varname . '[n][r]', $index),
+ $varname,
+ $var_array['n']['r']);
+ }
+ echo ' </td>';
+ foreach ($cols as $col_id => $col_title) {
+ printf('<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="%s[n][v][%s]" /></td>', $varname, $col_id);
+ }
+ echo '<td> </td></tr>';
+ }
+ /* Loop through the rows and create checkboxes for each column. */
+ foreach ($rows as $row_id => $row_title) {
+ printf('<tr><td>%s</td>', $row_title);
+ foreach ($cols as $col_id => $col_title) {
+ printf('<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="%s[r][%s][%s]"%s /></td>', $varname, $row_id, $col_id, (!empty($matrix[$row_id][$col_id]) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''));
+ }
+ echo '<td> </td></tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_password(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+?><input type="password" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>" value="<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ?>" />
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_emailconfirm(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $email = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[original]" value="<?php $email['original'] ?>" /><br />
+ <input type="text" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[confirm]" value="<?php $email['confirm'] ?>" />
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_passwordconfirm(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $password = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+?><input type="password" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[original]" value="<?php echo $password['original'] ?>" /><br />
+ <input type="password" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>[confirm]" value="<?php echo $password['confirm'] ?>" />
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_boolean(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $varName = $var->getVarName();
+ if (!is_null($index)) {
+ $varName = str_replace('[]', '[' . $index . ']', $varName);
+ }
+?><input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $varName ?>"<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; if ($var->hasAction()) $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $var->getVarName(), $index) ?> />
+ }
+ function _renderVarInput_creditcard(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $var->getVarName() ?>"<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index); if ($var->hasAction()) $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $var->getVarName(), $index) ?> />
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplayDefault(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($var->getValue($vars, $index), ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()));
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_html(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ echo $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_password(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ echo htmlspecialchars('********', ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset());
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_passwordconfirm(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ echo htmlspecialchars('********', ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset());
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_boolean(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) == 'on' ? _("On") : _("Off");
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_enum(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $values = $var->getValues();
+ if (count($values) == 0) {
+ echo _("No values");
+ } elseif (isset($values[$var->getValue($vars, $index)]) && $var->getValue($vars, $index) != '') {
+ echo htmlspecialchars($values[$var->getValue($vars, $index)], ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset());
+ }
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_radio(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $values = $var->getValues();
+ if (count($values) == 0) {
+ echo _("No values");
+ } elseif (isset($values[$var->getValue($vars, $index)])) {
+ echo htmlspecialchars($values[$var->getValue($vars, $index)], ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset());
+ }
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_multienum(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $values = $var->getValues();
+ $on = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+ if (!count($values) || !count($on)) {
+ echo _("No values");
+ } else {
+ $display = array();
+ foreach ($values as $value => $name) {
+ if (in_array($value, $on)) {
+ $display[] = $name;
+ }
+ }
+ echo htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $display), ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset());
+ }
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_set(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $values = $var->getValues();
+ $on = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+ if (!count($values) || !count($on)) {
+ echo _("No values");
+ } else {
+ $display = array();
+ foreach ($values as $value => $name) {
+ if (in_array($value, $on)) {
+ $display[] = $name;
+ }
+ }
+ echo htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $display), ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset());
+ }
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_image(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $img_params = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+ $img_url = Horde::url($GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('webroot', 'horde') . '/services/images/view.php');
+ $img_url = Util::addParameter($img_url, $img_params);
+ echo Horde::img($img_url, $img_params['f'], '', '');
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_address(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $address = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+ if (preg_match('/(.*)\n(.*)\s*,\s*(\w+)\.?\s+(\d+|[a-zA-Z]\d[a-zA-Z]\s?\d[a-zA-Z]\d)/', $address, $addressParts)) {
+ /* American/Canadian address style. */
+ $mapurl = 'http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?size=big&zoom=7';
+ if (!empty($addressParts[1])) {
+ $mapurl .= '&address=' . urlencode($addressParts[1]);
+ }
+ if (!empty($addressParts[2])) {
+ $mapurl .= '&city=' . urlencode($addressParts[2]);
+ }
+ if (!empty($addressParts[3])) {
+ $mapurl .= '&state=' . urlencode($addressParts[3]);
+ }
+ if (!empty($addressParts[4])) {
+ $mapurl .= '&zipcode=' . urlencode($addressParts[4]);
+ if (preg_match('|[a-zA-Z]\d[a-zA-Z]\s?\d[a-zA-Z]\d|', $addressParts[4])) {
+ $mapurl .= '&country=CA';
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif (preg_match('/(.*)\nD-(\d{5})\s+(.*)/i', $address, $addressParts)) {
+ /* German address style. */
+ $mapurl = 'http://www.map24.de/map24/index.php3?maptype=RELOAD&country0=de&gcf=1';
+ if (!empty($addressParts[1])) {
+ $mapurl .= '&street0=' . urlencode($addressParts[1]);
+ }
+ if (!empty($addressParts[2])) {
+ $mapurl .= '&zip0=' . urlencode($addressParts[2]);
+ }
+ if (!empty($addressParts[3])) {
+ $mapurl .= '&city0=' . urlencode($addressParts[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($var->getValue($vars, $index), ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()));
+ if (!empty($mapurl)) {
+ global $registry;
+ echo Horde::link($mapurl, _("View map"), null, '_blank') . Horde::img('map.gif', _("View map"), 'align="middle"', $registry->getParam('graphics', 'horde')) . '</a>';
+ }
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_date(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ echo $var->type->getFormattedTimeFull($var->getValue($vars, $index));
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_monthyear(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ echo $vars->getVar($var->getVarName() . '[month]') . ', ' . $vars->getVar($var->getVarName() . '[year]');
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_monthdayyear(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ $date = $var->getValue($vars, $index);
+ if ((is_array($date) && !empty($date['year']) && !empty($date['month']) && !empty($date['day'])) || (!is_array($date) && !empty($date))) {
+ echo $var->type->formatDate($date);
+ }
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_invalid(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ echo '<span class="form-error">' . htmlspecialchars($var->type->message, ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()) . '</span>';
+ }
+ function _renderVarDisplay_link(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
+ {
+ if (isset($var->type->values[0]) && is_array($var->type->values[0])) {
+ $count = count($var->type->values);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
+ if (empty($var->type->values[$i]['url']) || empty($var->type->values[$i]['text'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($i > 0) {
+ echo ' | ';
+ }
+ echo Horde::link($var->type->values[$i]['url'], $var->type->values[$i]['text'], 'widget') . $var->type->values[$i]['text'] . '</a>';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (empty($var->type->values['url']) || empty($var->type->values['text'])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ echo Horde::link($var->type->values['url'], $var->type->values['text'], 'widget') . $var->type->values['text'] . '</a>';
+ }
+ }
+ function _selectOptions(&$values, $selectedValue = false)
+ {
+ $result = '';
+ $sel = false;
+ foreach ($values as $value => $display) {
+ if (!is_null($selectedValue) && !$sel && $value == $selectedValue) {
+ $selected = ' selected="selected"';
+ $sel = true;
+ } else {
+ $selected = '';
+ }
+ $result .= ' <option value="' . htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()) . '"' . $selected . '>' . htmlspecialchars($display) . "</option>\n";
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function _multiSelectOptions(&$values, $selectedValues)
+ {
+ $result = '';
+ $sel = false;
+ foreach ($values as $value => $display) {
+ if (@in_array($value, $selectedValues)) {
+ $selected = ' selected="selected"';
+ } else {
+ $selected = '';
+ }
+ $result .= " <option value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()) . "\"$selected>" . htmlspecialchars($display) . "</option>\n";
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function _checkBoxes($name, $values, $checkedValues)
+ {
+ $result = '';
+ if (!is_array($checkedValues)) {
+ $checkedValues = array();
+ }
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($values as $value => $display) {
+ $checked = (in_array($value, $checkedValues)) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
+ $result .= "<input id=\"${name}${i}\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"${name}[]\" value=\"$value\"$checked /><label for=\"${name}${i}\"> $display</label><br />";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function _radioButtons($name, $values, $checkedValue = null)
+ {
+ $result = '';
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($values as $value => $display) {
+ $checked = (!is_null($checkedValue) && $value == $checkedValue) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
+ $result .= "<input id=\"${name}${i}\" type=\"radio\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\"$checked /><label for=\"${name}${i}\"> $display</label><br />";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function _genID($name, $index = null, $fulltag = true)
+ {
+ $name = str_replace('[]', '', $name);
+ if (!is_null($index)) {
+ $name .= $index;
+ }
+ return $fulltag ? 'id="' . htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES, NLS::getCharset()) . '"' : $name;
+ }
+ function _genActionScript(&$form, $action, $varname, $index = null)
+ {
+ $triggers = $action->getTrigger();
+ if (!is_array($triggers)) {
+ $triggers = array($triggers);
+ }
+ $js = $action->getActionScript($form, $this, $varname, $index);
+ foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
+ if ($trigger == 'onload') {
+ $this->_addOnLoadJavascript($js);
+ } else {
+ echo ' ' . $trigger . '="' . $js . '"';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function _addOnLoadJavascript($script)
+ {
+ $this->_onLoadJS[] = $script;
+ }
+ function renderEnd()
+ {
+ if (count($this->_onLoadJS)): ?>
+<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
+<?php echo implode("\n", $this->_onLoadJS); ?>
+// -->
+<?php endif;
+ $this->_onLoadJS = array();
+ }
epm diff lib/Form/Renderer/rows.php
--- lib/Form/Renderer/rows.php 2003-12-02 11:00:22.000000000 -0500
+++ lib/Form/Renderer/rows.php 2003-12-02 11:11:59.000000000 -0500
@@ -49,16 +49,13 @@
- $format = (!$active || $var->isReadonly()) ? 'Display' : 'Input';
- $method = "_renderVar${format}_$type";
+ $isInput = ($active && !$var->isReadonly());
+ $format = $isInput ? 'Input' : 'Display';
- if (@method_exists($this, $method) == false) {
- $method = "_renderVar${format}Default";
- }
- $this->$method($form, $var, $vars, $i);
+ $this->_varRenderer->render($form, $var, $vars, $isInput,
+ $i);
@@ -97,11 +94,6 @@
- function _renderVarInput_boolean(&$form, &$var, &$vars, $index = null)
- {
-?><input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo str_replace('[]', '[' . $index . ']', $var->getVarName()) ?>"<?php echo $var->getValue($vars, $index) ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ?> /><?php
- }
function _renderColumnHeaders($variables, $form)
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