[dev] New IMP Summary Option

Johan FISCHER linux at fischaz.com
Wed Dec 3 18:09:52 PST 2003

Quoting Rick Emery <rick at emery.homelinux.net>:

> of unseen messages in the same folder, I get the correct display (folder name
> with the number of unseen messages) but, below that, I get "No folders with
> unseen messages".

I also have this message and i think your patch is good. I think you can
reproduce the error by just entering the folder with unseen messages. Then IMP
will remove the recent flag but leave the Unseen flag (which is normal).
So back to the portal, the messages are still unseen (and displayed correctly)
but since the recent flag is removed, the IMP block print there is no unseen

> I briefly looked at the code (which I admit I didn't completely understand)
> and
> was wondering if this could be because, on lines 90 and 91, it references the
> "recent" flag instead of the "unseen" flag. When I changed it on my server,
> the
> anomoly *appeared* to go away (but since I can't reliably reproduce it, I
> can't
> be sure).
> If this makes sense, I've attached a patch.

Thx for your patch :)

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