[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: horde/lib Registry.php

Marko Djukic mdjukic at horde.org
Thu Dec 18 16:22:53 PST 2003

Quoting Marko Djukic <tech at oblo.com>:

> mdjukic     2003/12/18 15:06:41 PST
>   Modified files:
>     lib                  Registry.php
>   Log:
>   - check for perms to an app when doing a pushApp(), return an error if not
> allowed.

this spawns a few questions:
- as perms are becomming a quite central part of the apps and blocks, should we
make $perms a global var and set it up in horde's base.php? rather than
require_once and singleton() all over the place...
- does it make sense to keep using the registry allow_guests setting? it seems
that it will start creating confusion. who gets priority? setting allow_guests
in the registry or in the perms?
- callByPackage() should also be checking for perms, no?


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