[dev] blank screen after app activation

Vitor Horewicz vitor at inf.ufsc.br
Mon Dec 22 13:25:51 PST 2003


 I'm developing a project lifecylcle management application, this app
should be a new Horde module, as my boss requested. I'm trying to stick
to kronolith, nag and skeleton structures to rapdly deploy a prototype.

 My environment is Horde 2.2.4 and PHP 4.2.3, everything, except my
prototype, works fine.

 The problem is when I load the horde initial page it just keeps blank,
the login script page is not parsed. This just happens when the service
registry section for the app is uncommented. Below is the snipet of
added sections to the registry:

 $this->registry['sgpd']['show'] = 'sgpd';

 Application registry:
 $this->applications['sgpd'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../sgpd',
    'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/sgpd',
    'icon' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] .
'/sgpd/graphics/sgpd.png',    'name'=> _("SGPD"),
    'templates' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../sgpd/templates',
    'allow_guests' => false,
    'status' => 'active'

 Service registry:
 $this->services['sgpd']['tasks']['show'] = array(
    'link' => '%application%/sgpd.php' //this is just a test page
$this->services['sgpd']['horde']['summary'] = array(
    'file' => '%application%/lib/api.php'
    'function' => 'sgpdSummary',
    'args' => array(),
    'type' => 'string'

  It seems that the application and handlers sections are ok, because
they don't hang the login screen.

  I was unable to trace the error because, even with the logging
priority set to LOG_DEBUG, the engine writes nothing to the log file.

  My directory structure is as below:

|-- config
|   |-- conf.php
|   |-- html.php
|   |-- mime_drivers.php
|   `-- prefs.php
|-- docs
|   |-- CHANGES
|   `-- INSTALL
|-- graphics
|   `-- sgpd.png
|-- index.php
|-- lib
|   |-- Sgpd.php
|   |-- api.php
|   |-- base.php
|   `-- version.php
|-- menu.php
|-- sgpd.php
`-- templates
    |-- common-footer.inc
    |-- common-header.inc
    |-- index
    |   |-- css.inc
    |   `-- notconfigured.inc
    |-- javascript
    |   |-- open_print_win.js
    |   `-- print.js
    |-- list
    |   |-- actions.inc
    |   |-- empty.inc
    |   |-- footer.inc
    |   |-- header.inc
    |   |-- javascript.inc
    |   |-- task_footers.inc
    |   |-- task_headers.inc
    |   `-- task_summaries.inc
    |-- menu
    |   `-- menu.inc
    |-- prefs
    |   `-- category_management.inc
    |-- search
    |   |-- begin.inc
    |   |-- end.inc
    |   `-- search.inc
    |-- task
    |   |-- begin.inc
    |   |-- end.inc
    |   `-- task.inc
    `-- view
        |-- description.inc
        |-- headers.inc
        |-- navbar.inc
        `-- no-task.inc

13 directories, 41 files

  Is there a checklist to develop new applications? Because I feel that
I am just missing something. I was unable to find the NAG ROADMAP
mentioned in the README file, think that it would be valuable to solve
my problem.

  Hope there's enough information. Any help would be greatly

  Thanks in advance,


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