[dev] ansel backend

Ben Chavet ben at chavet.net
Sat Dec 27 17:53:39 PST 2003

I'm having a very difficult time trying to make this new ansel backend work. 
Probably because I'm not very familiar with the category system.

Basically, I'd like it to be a tree-like structure with each node being a
gallery and each leaf being an image.  I've tried modelling it after some other
structures throughout horde, like groups and bookmarks(trean) among others. 
I've run into a dead end every time.

I'm out of ideas, so I thought I would call in some reinforcements.  These are
some of the problems I've been facing:

- Which class should I extend & how should I do it?

- How do I say "here is a gallery, which images are in it?"

- How do I say "here is an image, what gallery does it belong to?"

- If I use a control structure (like groups does), where do I store the vfs

Any ideas are *very* welcome!


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