[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: horde/lib/Prefs sql.php

Marko Djukic mdjukic at horde.org
Mon Jan 5 09:59:48 PST 2004

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Marko Djukic <mdjukic at horde.org>:
> >   Log:
> >   this allows an pref value which is locked subsequently in the prefs.php
> > config file to override also the value stored by the user in the backend
> > previously, any problems with doing this?
> Yes, it goes against how the other backends work and how we've done this for
> years, and how we document the system. Please revert it.

ok reverted.

can the other backends not support the same trick?

what do you mean "how we document the system"?

so the only solution to a site which changes a pref from one settable by the
users to one which is now locked, when users have already been setting that
pref is to go and delete it out of the DB/LDAP manually? users have no chance
of resetting the pref on their own since it does not even show up in the UI any

it does somehow seem more logical to say that a "locked" value is locked to what
the admin says it should be and not "locked but only if" such pref has not
already been set by a user previously.
it should do what it says it should do, no?


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