[dev] Weather/Metar Block

Michael J. Pawlowsky mikejp at videotron.ca
Mon Jan 5 11:07:55 PST 2004

I keep a weather station and all the information of the past 24 hours in a MySQL database.
I then graph information such as temperature, pressure, wind speed, dicrection etc.
This allows me to see the patterns/trends to allow me to get a good idea of what's happening.
As in a continous drop in barometric pressure calls for bad weather etc.

Anyways I mention this because if you do create a weather "section" it would be a cool thing to add.
I can share some of my PHP code if you want. Things like calculating wind chill etc.

Right now all the instruments are off-line until spring. But you can get an idea of what I was doing at:


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