[dev] ansel status update

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Jan 7 20:43:47 PST 2004

Quoting Ben Chavet <ben at chavet.net>:

> I've got a lot more done on the new ansel backend in the past couple of days.
> Here is what it looks like so far.

This looks quite good! A few comments:

- I hope there'll be some comments before it's committed? :)
- you mispelled flip. ;)
- It seems that some of the methods like renameImage, getImageParents, etc.
could be bumped down into CategoryObject_Image, letting you call them just
getParents, rename, etc. (and also to have just rename instead of renameGallery
in Ansel_Gallery). Just a slightly more OO/cleaner API.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"I'm really... I'm not too fascinated by green food." - Average Joe

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