[dev] Kolab WebClient: New iCalendar features

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Jan 20 18:36:38 PST 2004

Quoting Stuart Bingë <s.binge at codefusion.co.za>:

> This marks the beginning of our submission of the Kolab WebClient code to the
> Horde project. We'll be periodically releasing bits and pieces of code in the
> coming weeks to allow the developers to digest the additions/modifications,
> and allow discussion over each individual piece.


> This patch is a small modification for the iCalendar class in the framework
> module that adds some new utlitity functions and modifies some existing
> functions. The interface should be backwards-compatible with the current
> code, however there are now some optional parameters to some of the functions
> that allow additional functionality.
> We require this additional functionality for several of the Kolab
> drivers that deal with data in iCalendar format.

Committed, thanks much.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"Here, I brought some cole slaw. It's made from peeeooople! Just kidding."

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