[dev] [turba] abstract setObject() method in Driver.php

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Wed Jan 21 15:54:06 PST 2004

In developing a new driver for Turba, I've come across the following 

In the class definition of  turba/lib/Driver.php the setObject method is 
defined as follows:

function setObject($attributes)

but it seems that the code calling it from turba/lib/Source.php is passing 
3 parameters:

$result = $this->driver->setObject($object_key, $object_id, $attributes);

I know that Driver.php in the 1.2.2 release version did accept 3 
parameters.  Should the Driver.php in the HEAD version be changed to accept 
the 3 parameters (and hence any new drivers should contain 3) or should 
code in newly developed drivers be written to only accept the 1...and if 
so, what would the structure of the $attributes array be?

Or am I just totally missing the big-picture here (as is so often the case!)


Michael Rubinsky
TheUpstairsRoom Consulting

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