[dev] preview_enable and show_preview in IMP.

Edwin Culp edwinlculp at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 23 15:32:48 PST 2004

I've been away for about 4 months and I'm begining the
set up of a new server without benefit of my old
configurations and I have found so much has changed, I
feel like a brand new user.  It's great ;-)

I have configured horde and am now configuring imp and
I'm having a problem that I don't get newlines with
preview_enable enabled, also I see a, new for me,
option in imp/config/conf.php.


It seems to have the same or similar purpose as the
preview_enable pref.  I'm thinking that I must have
missed something in the configuration or combination
with the new conf.php option.

I'm also seeing some strange frame behavour but I
think it is because I'm authenticating with horde/ldap
for imp.

Thanks for any suggestions as to why I can't seem to
get new lines in my previews.


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