[dev] IMSP Backend for Turba / Horde

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Sat Jan 24 19:44:29 PST 2004

--On Friday, January 23, 2004 07:01 -0800 Charles Hagenbuch, 
<chuck at horde.org>

> Here's what I'd suggest in terms of classes:
> - A Net_IMSP class that provides an API to the protocol. This would be a
> package in framework/.
> Then, 3 classes that'd use the new package:
> - An Auth_imsp driver that would be added to the Auth package.
> - A Prefs_imsp driver that'd be added to the Prefs package.
> - A Turba_Driver_imsp class that'd be added to Turba.
> How's that sound?

That sounds good.  That's pretty much what I had in mind.  I would also 
like to separate out the actual authentication code for each authentication 
method from the 'core' of the IMSP code.  I'm thinking of an abstract 
IMSP_Auth class with concrete classes such as IMSP_Auth_HMAC or 
IMSP_Auth_Plain.  I would put these inside the Net_IMSP package in 

I have all the code working for the address book portion of the driver, but 
it is written entirely as a Turba package.  I will make the necessary 
changes and submit to you when it's done.  Once that's working, I'll start 
the code for the IMSP preferences.

>> I'm not sure what to do about the passwords stuff, though. I'm interested
>> in thoughts from others on that one...

The only thing that I don't like about doing it this way is when the 
preference screen is displayed, the password is visible in the text field. 
If we go with this method, is there a way of adding a "password" type of 
preference field?

The only other option I thought of  to deal with the separate user/pass 
issue was to provide a separate set of login fields on the initial login 
screen specifically for the IMSP server and possibly make it a user 
configurable option to display those fields.

Looking forward to getting this incorporated!

>>> Of course, I will make all these additions available to the project...if
>>> anyone is interested that is!
>> Definitely interested. :)
>> -chuck
>> --
>> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
>> "Here, I brought some cole slaw. It's made from peeeooople! Just
>> kidding."

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