[dev] [PATCH] Identity hooks

Bernard Blackham b-horde at blackham.com.au
Mon Jan 26 09:48:28 PST 2004

I'd like to get back the old _prefs_hook_fullname functionality, so
I've integrated a few lines into Identity.php which lets you
nominate a hook for any identity property. Using this, to create a
fullname hook, you'd define 
$conf['hooks']['identity']['fullname'] = true;

and a function _identity_hook_fullname() that returns the fullname.

It only acts on identities that don't otherwise have the requested
property - this may or may not be generally desirable.  I am using
it so that when a user logs in, it will say something like "Welcome,
Bernard Blackham" instead of "Welcome, blackb02 at some.server.com".

Comments appreciated :)


 Bernard Blackham <bernard at blackham dot com dot au>
-------------- next part --------------
--- ../framework/Identity/Identity.php.orig	Tue Jan 27 01:12:14 2004
+++ /usr/share/php/Horde/Identity.php	Tue Jan 27 01:45:46 2004
@@ -172,6 +172,8 @@
     function getValue($key, $identity = null)
+        global $conf;
         if (!isset($identity) || !isset($this->_identities[$identity])) {
             $identity = $this->_default;
@@ -184,6 +186,11 @@
         } else {
             $val = $this->_identities[$identity][$key];
+        }
+        if (!empty($conf['hooks']['identity'][$key]) && empty($val)) {
+            include_once HORDE_BASE . "/config/hooks.php";
+            return call_user_func("_identity_hook_$key");
         return $val;

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