[dev] Problem with "problem" app and portal

Ron Cooper rcooper at jamesconeyisland.com
Tue Feb 3 17:36:33 PST 2004

I see the same issue here but to a lesser degree.  Clobbers the last block
in the portal_layout but not the entire layout.  It does send the email
as expected.  Not seeing any error messages in the log files.


Quoting Gary Windham <windhamg at email.arizona.edu>:

> After going to the "Problem" app, from within any Horde application,
> returning to the Horde portal page does not display any of the blocks
> defined in the "portal_layout" preference.  In fact, after going into
> the "Problem" app, the 'portal_layout' pref seems to be reset to the
> default (empty).

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