[dev] CVS from yesterday (Feb. 15) afternoon I get: HORDE [emergency] [horde] Auth Driver (Auth_ldap) not found:

Edwin Culp eculp at viviendaatualcance.com.mx
Mon Feb 16 04:09:55 PST 2004

After updating from cvs head, updating the framework, checking and updating the
config files, etc. I'm seeing the following error when authenticating directly
from ldap.  I am able to authenticate using application/IMP with no problem
which in turn is authenticating from ldap.  My previous update was on Friday,
IIRC. Now that I can check email, first priority, I'm going to try to
investigate a bit deeper.  Is anyone else who is using
horde/ldap/authentication seeing this?

Feb 16 04:51:47 HORDE [emergency] [horde] Auth Driver (Auth_ldap) not found:
parse error. [on line 24 of "/usr/local/www/data/horde/login.php"]



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