[dev] Empty <configsection>'s

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Feb 23 00:38:17 PST 2004

Zitat von Jon Parise <jon at horde.org>:

> I ran into an interesting problem with Horde_Config and empty
> <configsection>'s today.  I don't know this code too well so I'm
> soliciting possible solutions here.
> Take the case of the 'syslog' log handler.  Its entry in conf.xml
> looks like this:
>       <case name="syslog" desc="Syslog">
>        <configphp name="name" quote="false" desc="Syslog facility to use"/>
>       </case>
> Note that, unlike the other log handlers, it takes no parameters.
> Unfortunately, we have a handful of code (in Horde and in the Log
> package) that assumes at we at least pass an empty array as the
> factory's $params argument.  Right now, though, the Horde_Config code
> won't write any '$conf['log']['params']' entries if 'syslog' is
> selected.
> I started by making the "empty params" requirement explicit by
> changing the 'syslog' entry in conf.xml to this:
>       <case name="syslog" desc="Syslog">
>        <configphp name="name" quote="false" desc="Syslog facility to use"/>
>        <configsection name="params">
>        </configsection>
>       </case>
> This still won't output any '$conf['log']['params']' entries, however.
> Next, I modified Horde/Config.php thusly:
> --- Config.php  2 Feb 2004 22:50:36 -0000       1.56
> +++ Config.php  23 Feb 2004 02:49:18 -0000
> @@ -260,6 +260,8 @@
>                      }
>                      break;
>                  }
> +            } elseif (is_array($configitem) && empty($configitem)) {
> +                $value = 'array()';
>              } else {
>                  $this->_generatePHPConfig($configitem, 
> $prefixedname, $formvars);
>              }
> This produced the desired result ("$conf['log']['params'] = array();"
> in the resulting output), but I'm not sure this fits with the spirit
> of the surrounding code.
> Alternate solutions:
> 1.  Introduce a <configparams> entity.  It will always write an
>     'array()' entry to the configuration output.  This will generally
>     be redundant when real parameters are also written, but it's
>     technically correct and will always work.
> 2.  Assume all <configsection> sections map directly to an array of
>     subelements.  Give them a '_type' of 'array' and add the
>     associated machinery to Horde_Config.
>     (This is a more generalized version of solution 1.)
> Opinions, please.

2. sounds like the "correct" solution to me.


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