[dev] onmouseover cursor for tree.js

Matt matt at kynx.org
Mon Mar 8 02:46:21 PST 2004

Hi there,

Trivial fix for /horde/templates/javascript/tree.js. It changes cursor
to a pointer onmouseover if the node has an onclick event attached.

Tested on IE6 and Moz 1.6.


-------------- next part --------------
--- tree.js.orig	2004-01-05 14:16:18.000000000 +0000
+++ tree.js	2004-03-08 10:21:28.000000000 +0000
@@ -166,13 +166,19 @@
         var label = this.nodes[nodeId]['label'];
         var onClick = '';
+        var onMouseOver = '';
+        var onMouseOut = '';
         if (this.nodes[nodeId]['onclick']) {
             onClick = ' onclick="' + this.nodes[nodeId]['onclick'] + '"';
+            if (document.body.style) {
+                onMouseOver = ' onmouseover="this.style.cursor=\'pointer\'"';
+                onMouseOut = ' onmouseout="this.style.cursor=\'default\'"';
+            }
         if (this.nodes[nodeId]['url']) {
             label = '<a href="' + this.nodes[nodeId]['url'] + '">' + label + '</a>';
-        return '<span' + onClick + '>' + label + '</span></td>';
+        return '<span' + onClick + onMouseOver + onMouseOut + '>' + label + '</span></td>';
     this._setNodeToggle = function(nodeId)

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