[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: framework/Util Util.php

Jason M. Felice jfelice at cronosys.com
Mon Mar 8 10:41:04 PST 2004

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu>:

> slusarz     2004/03/08 10:30:37 PST
>   Modified files:
>     Util                 Util.php
>   Log:
>   No need to add a parameter to a URL if the value is empty (i.e.
>   'foo.php?value1=foo&value2=' is no different than 'foo.php?value1=foo').

Not true:

foo.php which contains '<?php var_dump($_REQUEST);':


array(3) { ["value1"]=>  string(3) "foo" ["value2"]=>  string(0) "" ["sess"]=>
array(1) { ["computer_id"]=>  string(32) 
"6cf32de2dfbc3a00432c3e8a39a9eeb5" } }


array(2) { ["value1"]=>  string(3) "foo" ["sess"]=>  array(1) {
["computer_id"]=>  string(32) "6cf32de2dfbc3a00432c3e8a39a9eeb5" } }

($sess[computer_id] is a cookie that gets set on my laptop from another app.)

  Jason M. Felice
  Cronosys, LLC <http://www.cronosys.com>
  216-221-4600 x302

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