[dev] Kronolith Attendee Functionality (Part 1/2)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sat Mar 13 20:01:16 PST 2004

Quoting Richard Heggs <richard.heggs at nottinghamcity.gov.uk>:

> When (and only when) creating or deleting an event that contains attendee
> information, I get the following error message:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: makedate() in
> /srv/www/htdocs/horde/kronolith/lib/Driver.php on line 319

Should be fixed now - I switched the order of the arguments passed to
toiCalendar(0 on Stuart right after he made his patches.

> Inserting a print_r(get_declared_classes()) before line 319 shows that the
> 'horde_data_imc' class has been declared, so I'm not sure why PHP thinks that
> the function is undefined.

Because it was using the wrong object. :)


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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