[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: horde/scripts rename_category.php

Marcus I. Ryan marcus at horde.org
Fri Mar 19 06:32:02 PST 2004

That's probably true, though the reason for the categories table is that quite
a while ago we added the category_order column.  I don't recall any additions
to the attributes table.  Either way I won't be at a cvs-capable machine for
a while, so if you could make the change, that would be great. :)

Marcus I. Ryan, marcus at horde.org
  "Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it
  flips over, pinning you underneath.  At night, the ice weasels come."
                  -- Matt Groening

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von "Marcus I. Ryan" <marcus at horde.org>:
>> marcus      2004/03/18 19:29:47 PST
>>   Modified files:
>>     scripts              rename_category.php
>>   Log:
>>   Select by column name to make up for people (like me) whose columns might
>>   not be in the right order.
> The same should probably be done for the category_attributes table then?
> Jan.
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