[dev] ansel dont stores images in subgallery

duck duck at obala.net
Thu Mar 25 10:39:23 PST 2004

today I started to test Ansel (cvs snap from 25.3.) and found that on 
our Win server don't stores images in subgalleries, but on my home Linux 
does. Strange, but later I find that on Win produce a warning that the 
index "full" is not set in lib/Gallery.php:796. So I added a check if 
requested index exists.

--- from to  ---
return $this->_image->toFile($this->_dirty) ? false : $this->_data[$view]);
---- to ----
return $this->_image->toFile($this->_dirty || 
!isset($this->_data[$view]) ? false : $this->_data[$view]);

and it works


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