[dev] Re: [ansel] found why ansel dont stores images in subgallery

duck duck at obala.net
Wed Mar 31 10:50:35 PST 2004

I dont think that the PEAR PATH_SEPARATOR constant  is a good idea
science per default on windows is set as ";" ... (Pear.php:44-50)
why not a config value?
if is not set, don't even transform :

function translate_path($path) {
    if  ( isset($GLOBALS['conf']['vfs']['path_separator'])  )  {
        return str_replace(':', 
$GLOBALS['conf']['vfs']['path_separator'], $path);
    } else {
       return $path;


Ben Chavet wrote:

>> it tries to save the in sub gallery in the way: 
>> ".horde/ansel/schedul:test"
>> of course the system wont let him do this
>> for OS compatibility issues you should translate the path
>> something like
>> function translate_path($path) {
>>     return str_replace(':', '/', $path);
>> }
> would it be better to use '/' or PATH_SEPARATOR for something like this?
> --Ben

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