[dev] [patch] Turba LDAP driver fix - edit ldap entry without dn attribute

Ben Davis ben.davis at pca-wichita.com
Fri Apr 2 11:22:27 PST 2004

Ben Davis wrote:

> Because it is possible that the user did not configure the values of 
> $params['dn'] as turba attributes (for instance, if the user's 
> $params['dn']=array('cn','uid'); and they don't have $attributes['cn'] 
> or $attributes['uid']),  We need to make sure those entries exists in 
> $attributes.  I'm not sure about the best way to do this, though. I 
> guess we could loop through $attributes and see if any of its keys 
> match the values in $this->_params['dn'], otherwise we could just 
> require that those values be entered in attributes.php.
> What do you think?

Just thought of a fairly clean solution:

// Check if we need to rename the object.
$intersect = array_intersect(array_keys($attributes), $this->_params['dn']);
if (count($intersect)==count($this->_params['dn']) &&  .....

new patch attached (diff against cvs from Apr 2, 2004 @ 13:15)

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