[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: whups/scripts rename_module.php whups/scripts/drivers create_queues.sql drop_modules.sql

Bo Daley bo at tilda.com.au
Mon Apr 5 22:35:48 PDT 2004

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

>> Attached is a patch to whups.sql that renames the tables/fields.
> I've just taken a shot at finishing this off - please bang on it and
> send in any
> bug reports.

looks good -- so far the only thing I've noticed is that in
whups/scripts/drivers/create_queues.php the following syntax doesn't work in

ALTER TABLE whups_versions RENAME module_id TO queue_id;

but if you're going to keep that in the sql script for other dbs then 
you should
add in this line too:

ALTER TABLE whups_tickets RENAME module_id TO queue_id;


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