[dev] [patch] SessionHandler backends

Jeff Seifert seifert at everybody.org
Tue Apr 6 09:55:08 PDT 2004

Here are some patches to fix the configuration for alternate SessionHandler
backends.  The current conf.xml did not save the parameters to the 'params'
subarray, and setupSessionHandler wasn't passing along those parameters to the
SessionHandler constructor.

I also made the table name optional within conf.xml for the mysql, oci8, and sql
SessionHandler backends, as they were already programmed to use a default value
of 'horde_sessionhandler'.


/* A programmer is a machine for turning coffee into code */
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Name: conf.xml.diff
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Desc: Diff for horde/config/conf.xml
Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/attachments/20040406/0d7bc96e/conf.xml.bin
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Desc: Diff for framework/Horde/Horde.php
Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/attachments/20040406/0d7bc96e/Horde.php.bin

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