[dev] New IMSP Options

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Wed Apr 14 11:30:47 PDT 2004

The latest changes for the Net_IMSP package and associated files:

In Net_IMSP:
New class in file Options.php: Net_IMSP_Options - for storing 
options/preferences to IMSP server.
General code cleanup (especially comments) and very small bug fixes.

In Prefs:
New concrete class in file imsp.php: Prefs_imsp - to allow preferences to 
be stored using IMSP backend.

Thanks -
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Index: Prefs/package.xml===================================================================RCS file: /repository/framework/Prefs/package.xml,vretrieving revision 1.9diff -r1.9 package.xml39a40>         <file name="imsp.php"/>47a49>     <provides type="class" name="Prefs_imsp" />Index: Net_IMSP/IMSP.php===================================================================RCS file: /repository/framework/Net_IMSP/IMSP.php,vretrieving revision 1.10diff -r1.10 IMSP.php6a7,8> define('IMSP_OCTET_COUNT', "/({)([0-9]{1,})(\}$)/");> define('IMSP_MUST_USE_LITERAL', "/[^a-z0-9\s\-,]/i");24c26<  * The Net_IMSP class provides a api into an IMSP server .--->  * The Net_IMSP class provides a common interface to an IMSP server .32a35>  * @version $Revision: 1.10 $37a41,44>     /**>      * String containing name/IP address of imsp host.>      * @var string $imsp_server>      */38a46,50>     >     /**>      * String containing port for imsp server.>      * @var string $imsp_port>      */39a52,56> >     /**>      * Boolean to set if we should write to a log, if one is set up.>      * @var boolean $logEnabled>      */52a70,74>     /**>      * Constructor function.>      *>      * @access public>      */69c91,92<      * @return  boolean true on success PEAR_Error on connection failure.--->      * @access public>      * @return mixed  True on success PEAR_Error on connection failure.78c101,102< --->         $this->writeToLog('Initializing Net_IMSP object.', __FILE__, __LINE__, >                           PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);83a108,109>      *>      *@access public89d114< 103c128,129<      * @return  String containing raw capability response.--->      * @access public>      * @return string  The raw capability response.134c160,161<      * @return     Boolean true on success PEAR_Error on failure--->      * @access public>      * @return mixed  True on success PEAR_Error on failure.160,163c187,191<      * @param   $commandText    String to send to the server.<      * @param   $includeTag     Boolean determines if command tag is prepended.<      * @param   $sendCRLF       Boolean determines if CRLF is appended.<      * @return  mixed           true on success PEAR_Error on failure.--->      * @access public>      * @param string  $commandText Text to send to the server.>      * @param boolean $includeTag  Determines if command tag is prepended.>      * @param boolean  $sendCRLF   Determines if CRLF is appended.>      * @return mixed   True on success PEAR_Error on failure.174c202<             $this->_tag = $this->getNextCommandTag();--->             $this->_tag = $this->_getNextCommandTag();197c225,226<      * @return mixed 'NO' 'BAD' 'OK' or raw response or PEAR_Error--->      * @access public>      * @return mixed 'NO', 'BAD', 'OK', raw response or PEAR_Error.214c243<                           __LINE__,PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);--->                           __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);256a286>      * @access public271,272c301,303<      * @parmam  $length byte count to read from socket.<      * @return  String containing text of string literal.--->      * @access public>      * @param int $length Number of bytes to read from socket.>      * @return string Text of string literal.276a308,309>         $this->writeToLog('From{}: ' . $temp, __FILE__, >                           __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);283c316,317<      * @return string containing next command tag.--->      * @access private>      * @return string Next command tag.285c319<     function getNextCommandTag()--->     function _getNextCommandTag()294a329>      * @access public296c331<      * @return string quoted if needed.--->      * @return string Original string quoted if needed.314c349<      * @param string $file File name where error occured--->      * @param string $file File name where error occured.325c360<         $this->writeToLog(_("$log_text"), $file, $line, PEAR_LOG_ERR); --->         $this->writeToLog($log_text, $file, $line, PEAR_LOG_ERR); 336,338c371,374<      * Writes a message to the imsp log_file.<      *<      * @param   $message    string containing message to write.--->      * Writes a message to the imsp logfile.>      * >      * @access public>      * @param string $message Text to write.364,365c400,403<      * @param $params array containing Log object parameters.<      * @return boolean true on success / PEAR_Error on failure.--->      * >      * @access public>      * @param array $params Log object parameters.>      * @return mixed  True on success or PEAR_Error on failure.380a419>             388a428,429>      *>      * @access private401a443>  * Must be called as $imsp = &Net_IMSP::factory($driver, $params);403,405c445,448<  * @param $driver string type of Net_IMSP object to return.<  * @param $params mixed any parameters needed by the Net_IMSP object.<  * @return the requested Net_IMSP object or PEAR_Error on failure.--->  * @access public>  * @param string $driver Type of Net_IMSP object to return.>  * @param mixed $params  Any parameters needed by the Net_IMSP object.>  * @return mixed  The requested Net_IMSP object or PEAR_Error on failure.427a471>  * Must be called as $imsp = &Net_IMSP::singleton($driver, $params);429,431c473,475<  * @param $driver string type of Net_IMSP object to return.<  * @params $params mixed any parameters needed by the Net_IMSP object.<  * @return reference to the Net_IMSP object or PEAR_Error on failure.--->  * @param string $driver Type of Net_IMSP object to return.>  * @params mixed $params Any parameters needed by the Net_IMSP object.>  * @return mixed Reference to the Net_IMSP object or PEAR_Error on failure.Index: Net_IMSP/package.xml===================================================================RCS file: /repository/framework/Net_IMSP/package.xml,vretrieving revision 1.5diff -r1.5 package.xml29a30>     <provides type="class" name="Net_IMSP_Options"/>40a42>         <file name="Options.php"/>Index: Net_IMSP/IMSP/Auth.php===================================================================RCS file: /repository/framework/Net_IMSP/IMSP/Auth.php,vretrieving revision 1.6diff -r1.6 Auth.php14a15>  * @version $Revision 1.5 $23,25c24,26<      * @param $params mixed         array parameters for Net_IMSP_Auth<      *                              object.       <      * @param $login boolean        Whether to remain logged in or not.--->      * @access public>      * @param array $params         Parameters for Net_IMSP>      * @param boolean $login        Should we remain logged in after auth?53c54,55<      * @param $params               Parameters for Net_IMSP_Auth driver.--->      * @access private>      * @param array $params         Parameters for Net_IMSP_Auth driver.61,67c63,70< /**<  * Attempts to return a concrete Net_IMSP_Auth instance based on $driver<  * Must be called as &Net_IMSP_Auth::factory()<  *<  * @param $driver string type of Net_IMSP_Auth subclass to return.<  * @return The created Net_IMSP_Auth subclass or PEAR_Error on failure.<  */--->     /**>      * Attempts to return a concrete Net_IMSP_Auth instance based on $driver>      * Must be called as &Net_IMSP_Auth::factory()>      *>      * @access public>      * @param string $driver Type of Net_IMSP_Auth subclass to return.>      * @return mixed The created Net_IMSP_Auth subclass or PEAR_Error.>      */95,96c98,99<  * @param $driver string type of IMSP_Auth subclass to return.<  * @return reference to IMSP_Auth subclass.--->  * @param string $driver Type of IMSP_Auth subclass to return.>  * @return object Reference to IMSP_Auth subclass.113d115< Index: Net_IMSP/IMSP/Book.php===================================================================RCS file: /repository/framework/Net_IMSP/IMSP/Book.php,vretrieving revision 1.11diff -r1.11 Book.php13,14d12< define('IMSP_OCTET_COUNT', "/({)([0-9]{1,})(\}$)/");< define('IMSP_MUST_USE_LITERAL', "/[^a-z0-9\s\-,]/i");40a39>  * @version $Revision 1.10 $55d53< 59,62c57,58<      * @param string $userId        Username to login to IMSP server with.<      * @param string $pass          Password to use on IMSP server.<      * @param string $imsp_server   Address of IMSP server to login to.<      * @param string $imsp_port     Port to connect to if diff than default.--->      * @param array $params Parameters needed for Net_IMSP (username, password, >      *                      auth_method, server, port) 64,65d59<     //function Net_IMSP_Book($userId, $pass, $auth_method, $imsp_server,<     //                       $imsp_port = '')75c69,70<      * @return  boolean true on success PEAR_Error on failure.--->      * @access public>      * @return mixed  True on success PEAR_Error on failure.87c82,83<         $this->_imsp->writeToLog('Net_IMSP_Book initialized.');--->         $this->_imsp->writeToLog('Net_IMSP_Book initialized.', __FILE__, >                                   __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);96c92,93<      * @return array of addressbook names or PEAR_Error on failure.--->      * @access public>      * @return mixed Array of addressbook names or PEAR_Error.140c137<             return $this->_imsp->imspError(IMSP_EXIT_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE,--->             return $this->_imsp->imspError(IMSP_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE,153,156c150,154<      * @param   $abook  string containing addressbook name to search.<      * @param   $search string search criteria (may include * wild card).<      * @param   (optional)  $search_field name of IMSP field to search on.<      * @return  mixed array of names of the entries that match or PEAR_Error.--->      * @access public >      * @param string $abook Addressbook name to search.>      * @param string $search Search criteria (may include * wild card).>      * @param optional string  $search_field Name of IMSP field to search on.>      * @return mixed Array of names of the entries that match or PEAR_Error.287,291c285,288<      * If no matches are found, or there is an error, a false is returned.<      *<      * @param $abook string containing the name of the addressbook to search.<      * @param $entryName string - 'name' attribute of the entry to retrieve<      * @return mixed array containing entry or PEAR_Error on failure / no match.--->      * @access public >      * @param string $abook Name of the addressbook to search.>      * @param string $entryName 'name' attribute of the entry to retrieve>      * @return mixed Array containing entry or PEAR_Error on failure / no match.377,379c374,376<      *<      * @param $abookName string FULLY QUALIFIED name such 'jdoe.clients' etc...<      * @return mixed true on success / PEAR_Error on failure--->      * @access public>      * @param string $abookName FULLY QUALIFIED name such 'jdoe.clients' etc...>      * @return mixed True on success / PEAR_Error on failure.400c397< --->  447c444,446<      * @param $abookName name of addressbook to delete.--->      *>      * @access public>      * @param string $abookName Name of addressbook to delete.515,517c514,518<      * @param $abookOldName string old name<      * @param $abookNewName string new addressbook name<      * @return mixed true / PEAR_Error--->      *>      * @access public>      * @param string $abookOldName Old name.>      * @param string $abookNewName New addressbook name.>      * @return mixed True / PEAR_Error587,590c588,592<      * @param    $abook string name of addressbook to add entry to<      * @param    array containing entry information.<      *           there MUST be a field 'name' containing the entry name.<      * @return   mixed true on success / PEAR_Error on failure.--->      * @access public>      * @param string $abook Name of addressbook to add entry to.>      * @param array Addressbook entry information ->      *              there MUST be a field 'name' containing the entry name.>      * @return mixed True on success / PEAR_Error on failure.721,723c723,727<      * @param $abook string name of addressbook containing entry<      * @param $bookEntry string name of entry to delete.<      * @return mixed true on success / PEAR_Error on failure--->      *>      * @access public>      * @param string $abook Name of addressbook containing entry.>      * @param string $bookEntry Name of entry to delete.>      * @return mixed True on success / PEAR_Error on failure.785,787c789,793<      * Attempts to acquire a semephore on the addressbook entry<      * @param $abook string addressbook name<      * @param $bookEntry string name of entry to lock--->      * Attempts to acquire a semephore on the addressbook entry.>      *>      * @access public>      * @param string $abook Addressbook name>      * @param string $bookEntry Name of entry to lock870,873c876,881<      * Unlocks a previously locked abook.<      * @param $abook string name of addressbook containing locked entry.<      * @param $bookEntry string name of entry to unlock.<      * @return mixed true on success, PEAR_Error on failure.--->      * Unlocks a previously locked addressbook.>      *>      * @access public>      * @param string $abook Name of addressbook containing locked entry.>      * @param string $bookEntry Name of entry to unlock.>      * @return mixed True on success, PEAR_Error on failure.953,956c961,966<      * @param string $abook name of addressbook.<      * @param string $ident name of user for this acl.<      * @param string $acl the acl for this user/book.<      * @return mixed true on success / PEAR_Error on failure.--->      *>      * @access public>      * @param string $abook Name of addressbook.>      * @param string $ident Name of user for this acl.>      * @param string $acl acl for this user/book.>      * @return mixed True on success / PEAR_Error on failure.1031c1041<      * @param $abook string name of addressbook to retrieve acl for.--->      * @param string $abook Name of addressbook to retrieve acl for.1115,1116c1125,1128<      * @param string $abook name of the addressbook.<      * @param string $ident name of entry to remove acl for.--->      *>      * @access public>      * @param string $abook Name of the addressbook.>      * @param string $ident Name of entry to remove acl for.1256,1257c1268,1269<      * @param array containing log parameters.<      * @return boolean true on success PEAR_Error on failure.--->      * @param array Log parameters.>      * @return mixed True on success PEAR_Error on failure.1270,1272c1282,1285<      * @param string $server_response string containing the raw fetchaddress<      *               response from server.<      * @return array containing then entry information--->      *>      * @access private>      * @param string $server_response The raw fetchaddress response.>      * @return array Addressbook entry information as key=>value pairs.Index: Net_IMSP/IMSP/Auth/cram_md5.php===================================================================RCS file: /repository/framework/Net_IMSP/IMSP/Auth/cram_md5.php,vretrieving revision 1.4diff -r1.4 cram_md5.php11a12>  * @version $Revision 1.4 $21,22c22,23<      * @param $params mixed array of parameters. Must contain:<      *                      'username', 'password', 'server', 'port'--->      * @access private>      * @param mixed $params To contain 'username', 'password', 'server', 'port'77a79>      * @access private80d81<      *Index: Net_IMSP/IMSP/Auth/plaintext.php===================================================================RCS file: /repository/framework/Net_IMSP/IMSP/Auth/plaintext.php,vretrieving revision 1.5diff -r1.5 plaintext.php11a12>  * @version $Revision: 1.5 $21c22,23<      * @param mixed $params parameters needed for authentication.--->      * @access private>      * @param mixed $params To contain 'username', 'password', 'server', 'port'.78c80<                 return $this->imspError(IMSP_NO_CONTINUATION_RESPONSE,--->                 return $imsp->imspError(IMSP_NO_CONTINUATION_RESPONSE,97c99<             return $this->imspError(IMSP_EXIT_LOGIN_FAILED);--->             return $imsp->imspError(IMSP_EXIT_LOGIN_FAILED,__FILE__,__LINE__);

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