[dev] [PATCH] Displaying instruction, messages on user's first login

tim email at teletechnics.com
Wed May 5 16:36:13 PDT 2004


One way I also see this happening in some client email praograms, is
by simply having a message sitting in the INBOX when a new account is
created. This message contains all kinds of information, that the
person can save, delete, whatever. And is not a one time only thing.

Maybe it would be nice to have the ability for a first time user to be
directed directly to this new message, that then after having been
half ignored by a keen new user to be able to return to.

yep, I hear ya, patch....

Wednesday, May 5, 2004, 11:06:32 PM, you wrote:

CH> Quoting Etienne Goyer <etienne.goyer at linuxquebec.com>:

>> Here is a patch that add an 'instruction' maintenance task similar to
>> 'tos_agreement'.  The reason I wrote it is because I want to notify new
>> user (those that log for the first time) that they need to edit their
>> identities and create their sent-mail folder.  I could have used
>> 'tos_agreement', but the wording (ie: Accept|Reject) would have sound
>> ackward for an informational message.

CH> Your patch wasn't attached.... also, how about just making the button names in
CH> the TOS task configurable?

CH> -chuck

CH> --
CH> "Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

Best regards,
 tim                            mailto:email at teletechnics.com

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