[dev] event/note/task/etc. categories/labels

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu May 13 08:48:29 PDT 2004

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> What I'm leaning towards now is changing all of our apps that use 
> this code to
> simply accept text labels for events (probably giving up on the 
> dropdown list,
> though we can just store a list of labels on a per-user basis, too), 
> instead of storing a number in the backend.

Jan and I came up with the following on IRC:

- we'll store categories as text in the event/task/etc. records
- users will have a list of categories (global to all of Horde) in their
- shares will also have a list of categories, which comprises the list of all
categories assigned to objects in that share.
- users personal lists will be updated with any categories assigned to shares
they access, to allow them to set colors on them.

> Then, we can maintain colors on a per-user basis, and just keep those 
> in prefs, so that each user has their own color scheme completely 
> independant of other users, even for viewing the same calendar.

This will stay the same - colors would be completely personal.

If we agree on this, my first step will be to update apps to store 
categories as
text, instead of numbers.



"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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