[dev] READ: categories in Kronolith, Mnemo, Nag, Genie

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed May 19 08:47:22 PDT 2004

As you may or may not have noticed, we're changing how categories are handled in
the 4 aforementioned applications.

To avoid losing data, you MUST do the following before upcoming updates:

1. Run the SQL scripts to modify your tables to store categories as VARCHARs,
not as integers.

2. Run the app/scripts/convert_categories.php scripts to actually store the
strings instead of the numbers.

... and yes, the order of those two steps is important. ;)

A script will be committed to convert user preferences accordingly, don't worry.
But if you wait to do the above, the functions that we need to do the
conversion properly will go away. It'll be possible to rewrite them, but much
more of a pain.


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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