[dev] Interesting issues composing and spell checking in Spanish.

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Fri May 28 17:29:36 PDT 2004

I an running head from this morning, using iso-8859-1 as my
default charset and Spanish as my default language.  I've tried
this with FreeBSD Netscape7.1, mozilla 1.7r2 and
Opera-7.50.20040511 and I get similar results.

I compose with accents, ñ's, etc. and they look fine.  In fact,
I can send them to my yahoo or hotmail accounts and they are
great as long as I don't try to check spelling.  They are then
substituted with strange <?> symbols and are gone for ever. 
When I send them back with a reply they are received fine but
when I open them all 8 bit chars are now question marks.  I also
did some tests on windows with the same results so I think I can
rule out browsers.  It must be my horde configuration.  IMP is
the only place that I have a problem and with spell check
(aspell) and opening a received email   The copy in sent is
perfect for the mail that wasn't spell checked and I can reply
without loosing the special characters but if I select resume, I
loose all.

Has anyone seen anything similar?  Where might I look for a
configuration error.?



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