[dev] configuration patch: please include

Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at linuxquebec.com
Wed Jun 2 08:05:57 PDT 2004

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Etienne Goyer <etienne.goyer at linuxquebec.com>:
>> If not, that would be a prime target for caching considering it change 
>> almost never between invocation. 
> That's a decent possibility, yes. However, if a directory needs to be 
> scanned
> for stuff like this, how do we tell when to expire the cache?

I am not sure as it is somewhat hackish, but could we stat() the 
registry.d dir ?  This would catch case where a file is added to the 
dir, but not the case where a file in it had been modified, though.  I 
do not know the performance delta of stat() vs. open(), but doing a 
stat() (instead of a full open + include_once()) on each file in 
registry.d might be an acceptable compromise.
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