[dev] what did I missed? -- an issue in Registry.php
Jan Schneider
jan at horde.org
Thu Jun 3 08:15:30 PDT 2004
Zitat von Vitor Horewicz <vitor at inf.ufsc.br>:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm really sorry for such a basic question, but I'm not sure why the
> following snipet of code should work. It was taken from the
> lib/Registry.php. Should'nt the key be named 'status', as its written in
> config/registry.php?
> Below there's is a prove of concept.
> Guess it will just take 5 secs for you to realize where I made a mistake.
> By the way, thanks for all the good work with the Horde Framework.
> vitor
> --- starts here
> foreach (array_keys($this->applications) as $appName) {
> // Simply discard applications marked as inactive.
> if (array_key_exists('active', $this->applications[$appName]) &&
> !$this->applications[$appName]['active']) {
> unset($this->applications[$appName]);
> continue;
> }
> --- ends here
> --- starts here
> php -r '$array_search = array("status"=>"active");
> echo array_key_exists("active", $array_search) ? "\nthe element is in the
> array\n" : "\n the element is NOT in the array\n";'
> --- ends here
I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to ask.
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